Chapter Fifty Nine

Start from the beginning

"Which article?" the man says suddenly sounding very interested.

"One spreading false narrative about Adrian Winters, and Arianna Verille, both very wealthy people, I'm sure you know, and I'd like it removed, along with the reporter fired tomorrow morning".

"If you think name dropping is going to get you anywhere it won't why in the world should I listen to some random person".

"Because my name is Adrian Winters, and should you not do as I've asked you I will take everything from you and all your employees, or you can listen to my instructions and nothing happens to you, your hardworking staff. It's your choice" I say a small smile on my face.

Maybe I deserve to be called a devil.

"I-I will get right to that, anything else".

"Have a good night, I'll be checking tomorrow morning first thing" I say before hanging up the phone, and stuffing it into my pocket.

"What do you plan to do now?" Olivia asks as I collect my things.

"I need to go to Taz's and punch something" I state picking up my coat.

"I'll order in something any suggestions?" she muses following a few steps behind me as I got to the door and pulled it open.

"Indian, specifically lamb curry" I reply turning around to face her.

"Okay I can do that".

"Thank you bellissima" I say giving her a soft smile before stepping into the elevator.

"I'll take the next one" she says stopping outside, and I just nod so she knows I heard her.

As I descended down to the underground garage I pulled out my key, spinning it instinctively as it had been a habit when allowed to start my parents, then I did it with my own.

A minute later the door opened and I walked out across the floor to my 488 GTB.

Sliding into the car I start the engine, and drive off towards the Bronx a rather familiar drive since I had many times gone from Thornbrook to Taz's after school or even part way through the day.

As I drove through the dark streets of New York I progressively adapted to what was going on and almost felt like I was seeing the city for the first time, but that was the beauty of this city everything was constantly changing so there was never really one time to see the city it was different each day granted there would be the same buildings, the same people but there is always something new here each day.

Half an hour later I parked outside of Taz's gym the former boxer was actually pretty good when he had been in his prime in the early nineties.

Walking inside I hung up my coat and changed into my sparing gear, my boxing mentor stood in the corner going at the heavy bag something that we both shared was ruining those thick black vinyl bags.

"Taz" I call over and he stops turning to look at me.

"The devil come to visit me" he says using the name the media calls me resulting in an instinctive eye roll.

"I can to wreck another one of you're heavy bags though it looked like I wasn't the only one" I muse pulling on my gloves.

"You know I was just as young as you were when I first came in here".

"Early eighties Taz that was when you were in your prime" I remark with a smirk.

"I might be old I'll still kick your ass" Taz says as I step up to the bag and start going at it in my normal fashion until I was pretty much treating it like a speed bag without loosing perfect form, something Taz had told me once and I spent the rest of that day perfecting.

After I don't even know how long I stepped back sweat running down my face and body, my arms aching, and my muscles screaming in pain, but I lived for it. For pushing myself as far as I could to the point I wanted to give up but refused to.

"You know I always wondered where all that determination to be the best at whatever you did, and you might say it's your dad pushing you to be but I'm convinced it's just in you" Taz says leaning on the ropes of the boxing ring.

"You got that just from watching me punch a bag for an hour" I laugh drying myself off with a towel.

"Not just that but the company you built, a billionaire boxes in my gym, that's an achievement in itself".

"Take them as they come, also I should head back home now plus I need a shower anyways" I remark as I walk back to the shelf to change.

"You do that, stinking up the place anyways" Taz says.

"Mhm, sure let's go with that" I say pulling on my dress jacket, before walking towards the door.

"Have a safe trip" he yells after me.

"I always do" I call back before walking out.
Tomorrow's chapter is going to be them going to London for the finale of this story then onto the next one, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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