IV-Devil In Disguise

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WHAT IN THE HEAVENS!? I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw the girl being dragged away by a man. Her blue dress was covered in blood. Red. Her legs and arms were filled with bruises and cuts. Red. Her innocent eyes begged to save her. Red. Anger boiled inside of me after looking at her. Red. All I could see was red. My thirst to draw blood only grew more and more as I saw her going far and far. I had never felt like this before. This anger, this rage. It was all new to me. And my hatred grew more and more towards the man in front of me. Mardoff, soon to be a dead man.

"Now, now. Let's get you ready for the wedding, shall we?" Mardoff smirked at me while waving for his men to hold me. Callous hands held me in place while I tried to break free. I jerked myself as much as I could to get out of their hold, only to be held even more tightly. "It's better if you stop trying," Matt remarked, "you look pathetic while doing it. Just give up already, will you? There's no saving." He almost looked bored as he walked away from me. The hands gripping my arms started to drag me towards the exit of the hall. After a while of not walking and letting them drag me, I gave up as my arms were beginning to hurt like a bitch. I began to walk along with the men instead of hanging onto their hold.

We reached a door across a wide corridor and they led me inside a room. He took out a knife and cut my ties loose before standing in front of the door with his gun. The room was very different from the whole house. It smelled like chemicals and wood polish as if you were entering a cleaning closet. There was a large rug laid on the floor to cover practically the entire floor. A red leather couch was placed in the room. A sink along with some counters and shelves asserted that it was an old kitchen. I walked towards the sink and turned on the tap as a noise came out of it along with the brown liquid. A few seconds later, the water turned clear and I put my hands underneath the cold water to clean off the blood. The blood of my brother who got shot, only for me to find out the reality.

I stared at the red clear liquid washing down the sink into the small holes leading to darkness. The blood I had on my hands was no longer having the right to be there as the anger of betrayal burned inside of me. My brother, my family. He not only deceived me but he broke the only piece left inside of me. I wasn't the same person anymore. I was empty. I could feel the nothingness, the deep void inside my chest.

I splayed some of the cold water on my face, trying to clear my mind. After turning off the tap, I turned around and took a seat on the couch. I looked around the room and saw a suit inside the cover hanging on the wall with a nail. I turned to the man with the gun as he stared back at me. His large physique stood tall against the door. His black hair had some grey strands in-between while his black eyes were surrounded by wrinkles. His jaw was covered in a heavy black beard with the dust of greys. The arms covered in tattoos held the M16 tight, his knuckles turning white. I could see it was as hard for him as it was for me.
"So it is real, isn't it?" I folded my left leg on the right one.
"Just get ready and get over with it. You know there's no escape." He walked toward the couch before taking a seat beside me.
"Why, Drago?" I whispered, unable to speak any louder. "Why him? Why you?"
"You know why. I am Mattheo's made man. Your father assigned me to him when he was a child. I am his before I am yours or even your father's. Wherever he goes, I follow." He put his gun beside him on the other side of the couch, away from me knowing well enough that I won't mind killing him if that's what it took. "And as for Matt, he is just a boy for me. I know him well enough to know that he means no harm to you. The only thing he wants is power. And we all know that he is never going to get it as his blood is not Ricci. He will always be your shadow and will never get a chance to come out front. So, all he is doing is trying to get something he thrives on more than anything in this world. And even I am scared to try to stop him from doing that." We both remained silent for a while as we stared at the suit hanging in front of us.

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