II-My Blood

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I NEVER HATED SUNLIGHT as much as I hated it when it struck my eyes, almost making me blind. As soon as my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw a man standing in from of me. His hands were tied with something thin and black.

I had a weird feeling as I felt hands all over my body, the warmth comforted me that I am still alive but the horror of the aftermath freaked me out. Someone pulled me by my forearm and I tried to scream. It was all so dizzy and weak, not having enough energy to even whisper, let alone scream. My throat was dry and my stomach churned as if I was about to throw up.

I could hear a familiar voice talking to someone but I couldn't make out what they were talking about. And then I felt it. That disgusting rough hands of Satan touching my face, my hair, my neck. He smelled like a cigar, as always.

I tried to remember what was happening. Before this, I was so happy and safe, living with my mother in London, working and enjoying my life. It was my home.

Until Satan came and took away all the joy that belonged to me, that I knew I truly deserved. He had taken so much from me even before I was born.

My life was like a normal human being's, with no drama, no firearms, no losses and no vitriol. There wasn't any suffering or trauma I had to bear before he took me away from my family. My mother.

I tried to stand as someone held me by my forearm. My legs weren't helping as they should. I was struggling to stay in place on the hard floor with thick dirt sticking under my feet. I was barefoot but thanks to the Creator, if he exists, I was still wearing my sky blue dress with large sunflowers printed on it.

I looked down at myself since I couldn't make out who was standing in front of me. It was all in blood and dirty mud patches. I smelled like blood. Fuck! My whole dress was covered in blood that wasn't from a wound. It was periods. The cramps in my lower abdomen confirmed my assumption. That fucker didn't even bother to care about that.

But what can I even expect from him?

"Stand still, bitch!" The guy holding me grunted in my ears as I freeze. Gradually, I came to reality. I could see what was going on around me. Men standing around us, armed and muscular. Satan was standing to my right, smoking a cigar.

The air was filled with disgusting smoke and dust particles. To my left was the guy who held me so tightly that my hand started to get numb from the pain and cold. In front of me was a stranger held captive, just like me. But I didn't sympathise with him as much as I did myself.

I could easily make out that he belonged to the same world as the monsters around me. He was a made man. I was the odd one out, trying to comprehend what the fuck was going on.

The idiot holding me threw me to one of the men standing around us. "Get her ready! I can't bear another second of that disgusting smell," He said before the man he threw me at cut open the ties from my ankles and took me out of the room.

It was a struggle to even stand, let alone walk. When the man noticed my slowness, he picked me up on his shoulders and started to climb up the stairs. The whole house looked big, with high ceilings and wide doorways. But as I noticed the webs and dry walls, it was an abandoned building, I assumed.

As we reached upstairs, he opened one of the old white doors, the creaking sound of rusted hinges making me flinch. He threw me inside the room before he closed the door behind me. I expected myself to fall to the ground with my face down since my hands were still tied up.

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