Introduction and Characters

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Welcome to The Lost Twins, this is the eighth book I have published on wattpad. If you'd like to read the other books I have published, check out my page and follow me for updates on this book. Before you read, there are a few things to note:

First, in this book, the characters will sometimes speak Italian. I don't speak Italian, English is my first language and so I'll be using google translate for the words and phrases in Italian. So, if there is a mistake please tell me so I can get it as accurate as possible.

Second, this is a work of fiction. Meaning, nothing in this book is true. The people and things that happen in this book are completely made up. The places, on the other hand, are real places.

Third, I post new chapters of my books on the weekends. I work and go to school Monday through Friday so I will post chapters on Friday or Saturday. Although, sometimes I miss updates because as we all know, life happens. But, expect updates on the weekends. 

Thanks for reading! Sit back and enjoy the story!!

Lots of love, Starfire

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Pietro Alfonso Moretti: Age 27, the oldest of the Moretti siblings. Pietro is the leader of the Italian mafia and he takes his role very seriously. Pietro has a commanding energy, he comes across as cold and unfeeling but he has a secret soft spot for his family. Pietro became the leader after his father's death and he also is in charge of his younger brothers. The Moretti's mother took the youngest two away with her eleven years ago and as a result, the brothers changed and have hated their mother for taking their siblings away. It's Pietro's mission to find the lost Moretti twins and nothing will stop him from accomplishing his goals. Nicknames: Pete and Alfy 

Matteo Francesco Moretti: Age 25, the second oldest of the Moretti siblings. Matteo is also the second on command in the mafia and makes decisions when Pietro isn't around. Matteo is also a doctor and spends most of his time patching up injuries and caring for his sick siblings. Matteo has a serious attitude towards most things but when it comes to family, he turns into a mother hen, making sure his siblings are happy, healthy and safe. Matteo has been holding a grudge against his mother for the past eleven years because she took the twins and Matteo longs to see them again, to hold them and make them laugh. Nicknames: Matt and Frankie

Sebastiano Donatello Moretti: Age 22, the third oldest and the scariest brother. Sebastiano is not one you want to mess with, he is angry most of the time. He comes across  angry and cold, he does care for his family but he doesn't show it often. Sebastiano spends most of his time working out and at the shooting range. He is a very shoot first and ask questions later, kind of guy. Sebastiano wants to find his younger siblings, he believes that they're out there somewhere and he wants them home but to also get revenge on his mother for taking them in the first place. Nicknames: Seb, Tino, and Donny

Lorenzo Nico Moretti: Age 20. Lorenzo is the middle child, he isn't strict like his brothers and he likes to have fun. Lorenzo is the kindest out of the Moretti brothers but don't mistake his kindness for weakness because he will be the first to fight anyone trying to hurt his family. Family is very important to Lorenzo and to him, his mother broke the family bonds by not just leaving, but taking the twins and not allowing them to see their siblings again. Lorenzo spends most of his time playing video games and cracking jokes. Nicknames: Enzo and Nic

Luka Rafael Moretti: Age 17. Luka is oldest of the Moretti triplets. Luka is the logical one in the family. He relies on head knowledge rather than heart and makes his decisions as such. For Luka, life is about thinking and planning ahead and he's always thinking like that. Luka has a serious personality and doesn't let feelings affect him. However, when it comes to his family, he would rather feel than think rationally. Luka would rather not think about his mother ever again because he feels nothing for her. But, he does care about the twins and wants them back. Nicknames: Lu, Luke, and Raf

Emilio Marco Moretti: Age 17. Emilio is the middle child of the Moretti triplets. Emilio is the athlete in the family and spends most of his time playing or practicing. Emilio can often let his emotions get the most of him and when that happens, he can cry or get very angry. Emilio blames his mother for breaking their family and can't stand even the thought of her and he wants the twins to come home. Emilio has a soft spot for the twins and wants to spend time with them again. Nicknames, Leo and Marc

Antonio Romeo Moretti: Age 17. Antonio is the youngest of the Moretti triplets. Antonio is the artist in the family and he spends most of his time painting.  Antonio is also book smart as well as street smart. Antonio does well in school and wants to become an artist when he's older. Antonio has a quiet and calm sort of personality and he is the family mediator when there are fights among the siblings. Antonio wishes that his mother had either left the twins with them or at least allowed them to visit but that didn't happen and Antonio has had a secret dream to see the twins again for the past eleven years. Nicknames: Tony, Nino, and Rome

Giovanni Riccardo Moretti: Age 13. Giovanni is the oldest of the Moretti twins. Giovanni is incredibly smart and has even skipped a grade in school, he does well at school and wants to become a scientist when he's older. Giovanni does have a hot head and does get into fights often with foster parents, foster siblings, teachers and other students at school. Giovanni is protective of his twin sister and he will go to the ends of the earth to protect her. Giovanni spends most of his time doing homework and hanging out with his sister. Nicknames: Gio, Ric, and Ricky 

Alessandra Gabrielle Moretti: Age 13. Alessandra is the youngest of the Moretti twins and the Moretti siblings. Alessandra is very quiet and doesn't say much, Alessandra is smart like her twin and she has also skipped a grade. Alessandra was diagnosed with anxiety at the age of seven and selective mutism when she was eight. Alessandra only talks to Giovanni and allows him to do the talking for them. Alessandra likes to read and draw when she can. Alessandra's anxiety often gets the best of her and she finds it difficult to do things without Giovanni by her side. Nicknames: Ali, Alessa, Andra, Andie, Gabi and Belle.

================================================================================Author's note:

Thanks for reading! See you in the next chapter!!'

Lots of love, Starfire

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