Chapter 22: Sleep

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As the time went on I started to become more restless. my leg started bouncing with my nerves. I resisted the urge to stand and start pacing the length of the hall. After a long 27 minutes I finally hear the screeching of the door making my head snap in the direction. Eric comes walking out hauling a shaking Pax. His face was tear stained with new ones ready to fall just like all the other people that have stepped foot outside that room. 

I quickly stand ready to comfort him but Eric just shook his head at me like he has done for the past week silently telling me no. My heart breaks having to watch without doing anything, but that turned to blinding rage the moment my ears heard the small snickers coming from the opposite side of the room.


He has been making fun of everyone that has come out all week. He has been making everyone feel even worse than they already did. I don't know if it's his own sick way to make him feel better about himself, but now he crossed a line.

"Poor little baby. Need to go home and cry to mommy?" He mockingly cooed at him. "Maybe she can change your diaper while she's at it." He snickers to himself as Jax looked uncomfortable like he didn't want to be there.

Next thing I know I was across the hall seeing red. It happened so fast one second I was on top of him listening to his cries next thing I know Eric wrapped his arms around me trying to drag me off Orion's body. I fought to get back to pound his face in and Eric struggled to keep his hold on me. There were yells of help and more hands grabbed me trying to help pull me away, but that only triggered my fear making my fight there hold harder. Eric then yelled out commands for people to take him to the infirmary. I stopped struggling as I saw Orion's bloodied face as he cried out in pain. He made eye contact with me as he was getting picked off the floor and the words just flew right out of my mouth.

"Go cry to mommy; Baby." I spit venomously in his face.

My rage still burning. I struggle more as Eri proceeds to drag me to the room. My head flies back accidentally hitting Eric in the face. I froze waiting for his reaction, but my still form gave him enough time to finally pull me into the room and locked me away from the chaos that I had started.

He slams the door shut and quickly turns and throw me in the chair were I sat silently.

"What the fuck was that?" He yells in my face rubbing his own; probably because of me.

I just sit there and stare at him with my rage still burning in my eyes.

"Answer me!" he growled out watching me like a hawk waiting for me to make the wrong move. "Why did you attack him?"

"He had it coming all week." I tell him proudly. "If not me someone else would have." I muttered.

He was about to say something, but was interrupted by the door opening. Four quickly rushed in a little out of breath. I came and sat down In his little roll chair.

"Well...he'll live." He sighed to Eric. the only one here who would care.

"Shame." I quickly resort, making four look concerned as Eric chuckles darkly under his breath.

Four then started handing me a handful of alcohol swabs. I look at them confused.

"What am I supposed to do with these?"

"Clean yourself." Eric sarcastically said under his breath.

Earning a glare from me.

"You just have some everywhere. So I thought you might want to clean up a little." Four said gesturing to my hands.

Looking down I was surprised to see them covered in blood.

"Was it really that bad." I questioned

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