
While the others were having fun you were think of how Ricky must but doing right now and how he would've loved to be at the party. "man, look at all the magic stuff. Ricky would love this." Dicky says. " I thought we agreed we weren't gonna talk about Ricky." Dawn says
"Hey, where's Ricky?" Oscar asked "He couldn't come." "Oh, that's a crying shame. That boy loves magic. Oh, well. Enjoy the party." Oscar says and blows his bubbles and walks away. "Alright, now can we try to have a good time and forget about Ricky?" Dawn asked


"Maybe that's a sign." Nicky says "no, that's not a sign. It's a coincidence." Dawn says as the light in the t starts shutting off leaving it to say 'GET RICKY' "it says 'Get Ricky'" "okay, now that's a sign."


"Look Ricky you don't have to go if you don't want to." You say putting you hand on his shoulder. "The wondrous Androoni's performing" dawn says "I'll get my coat." "Wait how are we going to sneak him out?" Nicky asked "just meet me at the party. I'll creat the illusion I'm still here. Then make myself...disappear." Ricky says with the sound effects "you sure you can pull it off?" Dawn asked "trust me, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."


"For my next trick I'm going to need a volunteer." Ricky walks up the stage "you, I guess." "Ricky Harper. And I'm your biggest fan. By the way, I have a list of questions for you." Ricky says holding up the list. "Who wants to see Ricky and his questions disappear." Androoni says and everyone cheers. "Get ready to be filled with wonder! One... two... three!" Ricky disappears and everyone cheers "I wonder where he is. Could he be in here?" He opens the box.... But nothing, no one, not even a hair of Ricky's so he closes it back up "I wonder why he's not in there? The wondrous Amdrooni will be back after a short wonder-mission." He says and everyone cheers except you cause you were really worried on where Ricky could be you were worried he was hurt 'is he okay?' 'will he be back?' 'Why isn't he back in that box?' Was all you could think knowing that bringing Ricky to the party was a bad idea even if you felt bad cause now Ricky is no where to be found.


"Rickys gotta be here somewhere" dicky says as you guys look around and dicky steps into a closet coming out of another box as you see you think your just seeing things and brush it off. "Maybe he's in this box." Nicky says setting a box on the table and you guys open it. "Ugh I'll look out here." Dicky says and you walk away to continue looking.


"And now, for my great finale! Oscar, you remember I made your little friend disappear. Well, let's see if I can bring him back! Voila! Apparently not." He closes the door after opening it "and the wondrous androoni will leave you wondering. Goodnight everyone!" "I wonder how he keeps getting work."


"Man, that punch goes right through ya." "I gotta stick with my bathroom buddy" "I'll just stay downstairs I'm to tired for this. wait where is the furniture?" You asked "wait somethings not right. Ricky is Nickys bathroom buddy." "So no one's gonna answer my question? Okay, I'm just gonna get orange juice." You say as you go to the kitchen you hear Anne and Tom going up the stairs. You walk up the stair with your orange juice. "There he is! Exactly where we thought he'd be." You hear in the room "what'd I miss." You say as you take a sip of your orange juice. "What's going on?" Ricky asked "oh, I'm so sorry, kids." Anne says "we'll let you get back to sleep, buddy." Tom says "Yeah." They both exit the room.
(I'm almost done just a bit more Daisy it's not like your doing pe okay I can finish this)
"Dude, how'd you get back in here?" Dicky asked "a good magician never reveals his secrets." "Dad left the ladder out when he was cleaning the gutters, didn't he?" Dawn said "yeah, pretty much. Thanks for making me go to that party and covering for me." "Hey, it's the quad code." Nicky says "all for quad..." dicky says "and quad for all!" "Alright, I'll take cosmo back to the party and we will be- hey!" "So, Ricky. Josie came by to give you this. Apparently you left it in the vanishing cabinet at Oscar's party." Anne says "I can't believe you snuck out. Now your really grounded." Tom says "what do you have to say for yourself?" "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snuck out to that party." "No it was our fault." "Yeah, we convinced him to sneak out." "Why would you do that?" Tom asked "because we also convinced him to throw the smoke pellets." Nicky says  "and then let him get in trouble for it." "I had no part in the smoke pellets thing cause I was asleep as always but I did help convince him to sneak out cause I felt bad that he couldn't go if I could go back in time I would and take the smoke pellets from him and throw it myself just for me to get in trouble instead of Ricky." You say everything being true. "So if you're gonna punish Ricky, you have to punish all of us." Dawn says as you, Nicky, and dicky agree. "Alright." "Bit before you do, I have one question for you. Which one of us is your favourite?" "That's silly. We don't have favourites." Anne says as she and Tom laughs. "I was under Ricky's bed the whole time." Dawn whispers to them. "Parent huddle." "Yep." They start whispering. "Your all free to go." "Yep." They leave the room and you all cheer and high five

A/n: well I finally fit a whole episode in one chapter yay

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