having a 'that's my girl' moment with Kuina

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Summary: A person from Kuina's past comes to the beach and threaten to tell her secret, she soon spirals down at the hateful abuse she receives and you try to help her

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Summary: A person from Kuina's past comes to the beach and threaten to tell her secret, she soon spirals down at the hateful abuse she receives and you try to help her

Pairings/Characters: Kuina x Reader

Warnings: Transphobia.

You knew all about Kuina's past and all about who she was before she blossomed into the beautiful person she is now, but unfortunately, so did another person from her past who showed up at the beach a week ago

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You knew all about Kuina's past and all about who she was before she blossomed into the beautiful person she is now, but unfortunately, so did another person from her past who showed up at the beach a week ago.

This guy was an old classmate of Kuina's who knew all about her transition and threatened her. No matter how many times you tried to intervene, she wouldn't let you, so you had to watch as your usually confident girlfriend formed into something else.

It seemed that the person you loved had turned into a shadow of her former self. Whenever the guy would enter the room, she would exit. If he made  'jokes' about her, she would just smile and take it.

Even Chishiya had noticed that something was up.

None of that mattered when you were around, though; it seemed your mean face was enough to protect her when you were together, but as soon as she was alone, it was hell for her.

This was the focus of many of the arguments you were beginning to have with your girlfriend. She didn't want your help and often scolded you if you tried to fight back for her.

So you begrudgingly left her to it, convinced that she would bounce back in her own time. Only it didn't happen. Not only did things start to get worse, but Kuina was starting to snap.

Walking down the hallway towards the dining hall, you smiled, seeing your girlfriend sitting alone waiting for you, but soon she wasn't alone. That idiot sauntered up to the table with a dirty smirk forcing you to roll your eyes.

That was until you heard the foul language and words that spilled from his mouth. You didn't realize that it had become this bad. Kuina told you it was easing up, but now not only was she being called demeaning things, but she was also being sexually degraded.

After hearing a derogatory name being cruelly hissed at your girlfriend, you knew it was time. You were about to make your dramatic and threatening entrance until you heard a gasp of pain.

Peaking around the corner, you saw Kuina holding the old classmate up against the wall, and you knew instantly her resolve had broken too. She let him have it, telling him off in a way that made him shrivel up into the coward he is.

Forcing yourself back, you let Kuina handle the situation as you watched proudly. "That's my girl," sensing someone near you turn to catch Chishiya watching the same scene with the tiniest proud smirk on his lips too.

*I guess my badass queen was back with a vengeance*.

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