Ship Request #3

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multi-marvel asked:

Hello! Could I request an AiB ship please? I'm Leisha I'm 20 and I go by she/her pronouns and I'm gonna say for simplicities sake I'm straight. Im a Virgo and my Mbti personality type is INFP. I've got a tall (about 5'10) curvy build. Brown hair, green eyes, super pale. I'd say I often wear a grunge style-lots of blacks and greys and the occasional pop of red or dark greens. As for my personality/ traits, I'd say I'm pretty shy and somewhat distant when you first meet me which can make me come off as kind of cold or that I take things too seriously which can make me a bit hard to get to know-but when people do get to know me I'm the opposite. While I am someone who worries quite a bit and can be quiet- when I'm with friends or loved ones I'm pretty care free. I love to have a laugh even if I can be pretty naive and a bit of a smart ass at times, but I love to make the people around me laugh and have a good time as well so I don't mind if it comes at an expense to me. So over all I'd say: shy and quiet at times other wise laid back, spontaneous, naive, humorous and a little hard to rein in at times with those I'm close to. My hobbies include painting, drawing, sewing, cooking, acting, music- Pretty much anything artsy, anything horror and catching up with friends. So that's about all I can think of! Thank you!

 So that's about all I can think of! Thank you!

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I ship you with... Last Boss.

I think you and LB would be that couple who hang out in the background together quietly, but when you're alone in your room, you both are very much in your own bubble where you're personalities come out to shine. One of his favourite things to do is read while you draw/paint. It's a little bit of peace away from the borderland.

 It's a little bit of peace away from the borderland

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