"I think you'll already know to that answer," Nami was playing with the keys in her hand.

"I don't know, you tell me. Joshua hyung never tells me this kind, except for Jeonghan, and you know how Jeonghan doesn't take it seriously." Jihoon's not wrong. Jeonghan being the biggest prankster and mainly acting like he doesn't care, is a perfect secret listener.

"What do you want me to say? Joshua won't even answer my calls unless necessary, and he's keeping a distance. Still, I know he was disappointed," Nami sighed, "I even told him he could always record in your studio and doesn't have to avoid me, but he's getting good at it."

"Have you talked to Wonwoo about it?" Jihoon asked.

"Which part?" Nami asked Jihoon, and he groaned.

"Which part of not telling your boyfriend you're going to back to the US, do you not understand?" He told her, stirring the coffee in his hands, "He's been a sulky mess when you had a fight. Imagine if you didn't tell him you are going away? I'm even surprised you told Joshua and me first, then your boyfriend."

"You should know better what Wonwoo would say," Nami said, "How could I tell him, in his face, hey won, I'm going to the USA and probably not going back for Korea in a while because a job is a bitch." Nami sarcastically said.

"So, you had told Joshua hyung but decided to think Wonwoo doesn't deserve to know this big information?" He asked, "Now, how would Wonwoo feel when his girlfriend trusted his best friend more than him?"

Jihoon asked, "How could you be comfortable in telling Joshua then Wonwoo?"

"I don't know," She whispered, "I always feel like I could loosely talk to Joshua like a friend, but I could never do that to Wonwoo. It was always a barrier between us, even after dating."

Things were going great for Nami and Wonwoo. In fact, it was getting better than ever. But the more Nami was closer to Wonwoo, the further Joshua got.

It was getting confusing between you two. He would someday say hi to her, and then he would ignore Nami like she was the wind.

If you try to make friends with Joshua, it feels like Wonwoo is getting further away. It was driving Nami crazy. That's why she was in Jihoon's studio, hoping for a way out while she waited for Wonwoo.

It's been 2 weeks since they correctly saw each other since their schedule was never proper. So, Wonwoo had arranged to go out for dinner.

"Well, whatever happens, Joshua hyung is not the type to just ignore someone like that, Nami. Of course, he had reasons." Jihoon tells her, "I know and understand his position."

"I know I just felt bad because his intention was clear hoon, and I told him that I would try to move on from Wonwoo, but here I am still love-struck by Wonwoo, and now he's my boyfriend." Nami facepalm, "is it even right to be talking about this when I'm Won's girlfriend?"

"Then make up your mind. If Wonwoo is your first love, why are you swaying by how Joshua hyung feels? If Joshua hyung manages to make your heart sway with the thought of pity, then snap out of it, Joshua hyung doesn't deserve that pity, and you should leave that burden behind."

"But –"

"You are Jeon Wonwoo's girlfriend. If that sound doesn't sound right in your ears because someone else's name rolls off your tongue, then you get your heart and mind in check." Jihoon said, "Because if you love two people at the same time, then pick the second because if you love the first, then there wouldn't be a second."

Nami then stays quiet for a moment. Is it possible to love two people at the same time?

"Come on, Nami, I'll take you to Wonwoo. He's taking so long," Jihoon asked Nami to stand with him, and Nami followed quietly.

"Nami... I know it sounds harsh, but I'm asking you a big favour to think about it, alright?"

 Jihoon pats Nami back, "I'll go find Wonwoo. He told me to bring you here. Where is he?"

"I'll give him a call," Jihoon was going to go before someone familiar came down from the stairs.

"Joshua hyung..." Jihoon greets his brother as Joshua's eyes land on Nami.

Nami was about to say something before she heard a distance laugh over somewhere.

At the right time, she turns her back to see Wonwoo walking in her direction. But what made her lose her smile was someone beside him. Nami never questioned who Wonwoo hangs out with since she knows that every single person will be a lot of people, but the world is such a small space.

"Nami! It's so nice to see you here! Don't you remember me? It's me, Jang Hye mi. I'm Seventeen's new make-up artist!"

And somehow, the distance was now getting further away.

A/N: Another chapter, out! So what do you think about Nami, Wonwoo and Joshua's relationship circulate? To be honest, it is confusing and of course not understandable on why it is happening

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

A/N: Another chapter, out! So what do you think about Nami, Wonwoo and Joshua's relationship circulate? To be honest, it is confusing and of course not understandable on why it is happening. But I will try to explain it in the ending, until then hold on to this book a bit longer!

Thank you for everyone who had supported the book! I love you all and have a great day!

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