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Chapter 14: Going home

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Chapter 14: Going home

               Wonwoo was not happy, not even a bit. He had hoped tonight he would get a chance to talk to Nami. That is if she did appear tonight, he thought. If she didn't, he would have asked Seoyeon into giving Nami's workplace so he could magically say he meet her.

But thank the heavens that she manages to come here. He had imagined they would be talking non-stop, so he didn't expect to sit down with a cup of ice cream sitting there lonely as he saw her in the middle of the boys laughing together.

There he sat, staring at her jealously as he stabs the poor ice cream.

"Are you planning on murdering the ice cream machine after this?" Wonwoo looks beside him to see Jeonghan. He was about to bunk into the car after grabbing a snack while he waits for the other to finish up packing. But when he saw his brother murdering his ice cream, he looks at the source of Wonwoo's fiery motives on the ice cream to see. The latter intensely looking at Nami and the boys.

Wonwoo couldn't help to sigh as he keeps his gaze on Nami, who was laughing beside Joshua and the others. Jeonghan couldn't help but smirk as he sat down beside Wonwoo. 

"Ah... hyung I –"

"I don't need a single explanation from that, I understand. You should talk to Nami while you can. I can sense you didn't even manage to 'recoil'," Jeonghan quoted and Wonwoo sulk, even more when he saw that it was only between Nami and Joshua.

It's not fair, Nami was Wonwoo's best friend, and he was trying to make amends with her, but she was not giving him a chance, and he couldn't believe even Joshua was not in his side.

"You're going to burn a hole in the poor girls head if you keep staring like her that way. Just tell her you like her won, she'll understand," Jeonghan snick but Wonwoo frown.

"I don't like her that way." With Wonwoo's sudden remark, Jeonghan looks at his brother in confusion.

"You're telling me that you always smile through her Instagram, blushing like a tomato when we talk about your secret girl, and the burning jealously that could probably kill Joshua if he wasn't your brother?" Jeonghan couldn't help to scoff. "and you're telling me you don't like her that way? Bullshit."

"Hyung –"

"Jeonghan, we don't call anyone bullshit in front of the kids," Seungcheol walks beside Jeonghan before placing himself beside Wonwoo, "But Jeonghan is right, after seeing you like that. You're not fooling anyone."

Wonwoo was still sulking as Jeonghan, and Seungcheol looks at his brother. Jeonghan then took hold of Wonwoo's murdered ice cream.

"You should try your best then brother, you're going to lose her, and you know we don't want any 'brotherly fight', right?" Jeonghan says to him.

"How? I told her I would try, but she's not even giving me a chance. Hyung... when we were friends, she would always try to be with me, I thought I –" Seungcheol then slaps his back.

"You idiot, do you think she'll just run to you again?" Seungcheol smiles, "Aigoo, our Wonwoo, is she one of the girls that use to follow you around when you were in school?"

"No. She's different, and not just one of the girls. Where the girls at school would follow me behind, she would stay beside me. When the other girls would send their confession through a love letter, Nami would blurt it in front of me without hesitation. It was amusing at first, but then, in the end, she was the only one I was looking at." He smiles.

"But I guess I was selfish, I was gambling over her and the career I was hoping for, and you can see what I choose and what I lost," he said. Joshua was laughing at what Nami showed in her phone.

The two brothers could only look at their brother before the door opened and their manager came in.

"Alright, the van's ready. We need to head back to the hotel and – oh hello, who are –" Seungcheol then proceed to explain further, and the manager nods understandingly before he smiles at the two ladies.

"Well, a friend of the boys are also my responsibility, but I do have to apologise, the boys are going to back to the hotel and protection regulation say we can't bring anybody else and –"

"Oh... please, you don't need to worry," Nami explain as she smiles, "We only saw for a moment, and we also need to go back. We should probably go."

Nami then proceeds to stand up and dush her shirt.

"Oh... then we'll send another van for you and your friend. We'll not let anyone go home alone," the manager said, but Nami then shakes her head.

"No – It's OK beside I –"

"I'll take her back then," Joshua then proceed to say, but then the manager looks at him.

"Joshua, you have the trainer back at the hotel waiting for you and –"

Jeonghan then stood up and looks at the manager, "hyung... you can send Wonwoo. They've known each other the longest. He could send them back home!" Jeonghan smiles at their manager, and Seungcheol stood up, agreeing.

"Wonwoo, you need to go back after that alright?" manager looks at Nami and smile, "You've been friend with the boys, is that alright?"

Nami looks at Wonwoo, and she looks away.

"Don't worry, hyung, I'll bring them back," Wonwoo looks at Jeonghan and Seungcheol, who gives him a thumbs up in secret.

"Wonwoo I –" Nami was about to deny Wonwoo's offer, but then he walks to her.

He walks to Nami, holding her in her arms away from Joshua, "Let's go." Joshua saw how Nami had slipped away from him as he was about to reach out.

Wonwoo then walks out with Nami beside him. Jiwon looks at them and smiles as she bid Dino and the others goodbye while following the two quarrelling in front.

"Those two, I swear." She mutter. 


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