Chapter 6: Trinity

Start from the beginning

"What have you done, Mr. Samar?" I arched my eyebrow, "ain't your life ordinary? It seems to me; unless you tell what makes it extraordinary."

He rested his body on his chair like a king residing on his throne, he smirked tilting his head on his right, "you never know."

I heaved a sigh, lightly banging the table once, "well .. you won't share, I won't know. End of discussion." I flashed my most bright smile, "then what are we here for?" I asked the question to air as I acted to realise while eyeing the table, "ah, yes! Coffee!" I chirped, curling my index finger around the ring of the cup and winked raising a toast towards his direction, "to something we had and lost."

He chuckled before touching my coffee with his fisted palm, "cheers."

"What are you guys cheering for?" Venky took the empty seat in between us.

"You weren't supposed to be here today." I pointed.

"Must have smelled your sadness." Samar stated, showing his displeasure with rolling his eyes mockingly, making Venky snap a look at him saying, "yeah, and I've also smelled the reason," his gaze was ice cold when he concluded, "you."

I could feel the temperature of our surrounding dropping since the moment these two started conversing. Venky brought his attention to me, "I thought you were staying away from him."

Before I could say anything, Samar commented, " I can come to her whenever I want."

"No, you cannot." Venky casually denied his statement without even glancing at him.

"You're not here to dictate. You're not a leader."

With calm in his eyes Venky faced him, saying, "Well, I'm the alpha here."

Samar let out a chuckle, "but neither of us are a beast from your pack, if you have any."

Heaving a sigh I closed my eyes, massaging my temples. Why do these two have to always fight like this? I didn't even care what Venky was saying as I impeded him, " I'm so done with this nagging of you two! If you guys like fighting so much then start hand to hand na!" I suggested being pissed, "why quarrel like two kitty-kats, huh? Man up, or woman up! Scrath each other, pull hair- bite! God, do whatever but this and spare me!" I don't know at what range my voice was floating but I swear I wanted to be louder, scream top of my lungs till the last molecule of air I had inside of me. Is that even right? I'm not good with physics or chemistry, so, spare me.

"And Venky," I almost hovered over him, "I listen to you 'cause you're my friend and I know you wouldn't want anything to cause me harm. Not because you are my alpha!" Smacking him on his head I left my seat walking away with a threat, "neither of you dare to come after me or I'll rip your heart out!"

"You don't have claws!" Venky called out mocking my threat. I could hear him chuckle. I turned to face their table but my feet still moving forward.. backward technically, I flashed my well manicured hand, "but I do have nails."

To my disbelief, my eyes witnessed the two arc enemies looking at each other carrying playful smiles. Their eyes delighted as if cracking some sort of joke through telepathy as they burst into hearty laughter that made them close their eyes and throw their head backwards clutching their guts. They tapped on the table, shook their head, laughing uncontrollably.

My feet stopped at the spot wondering what on earth made these to laugh together? What joke did I crack? Marching towards them and keeping my right hand on the table with a thud I demanded, "what on earth I said that made you two laugh like maniacs."

Samar sucked in a good amount of air calming himself and gaining his composer while Venky rolled in his lips, casually nibbling it to conceal his chuckle. I shuffled my gaze between them waiting for my reply, but before that, they managed to shoot a cold glare at one another but as soon as that happened- to my surprise, again, they both started .. not laughing like before but still- laughing. Samar rested his head on cushion of his folded arms on table and Venky covered his face with his palms.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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