Lunch was fairly quiet, us making small talk as we ate soup and sandwiches the house elves had left on the kitchen table.

"Draco hasn't been down here in a couple of days. Do you know what he's up to?" She glanced up at me, taking a spoonful of soup into her mouth.

"Every time I've seen him he's been wrapped around his new girlfriend. They've become inseparable." I rolled my eyes but the gesture was playful.

"Honestly I'm glad he has something.. or someone rather.. to keep his attention. Although I would like to finally meet this girl." I chuckled and promised I'd get him to bring Chloe around sometime so the two could get aquatinted.

After lunch had disappeared back to the kitchens we got ready to take a walk around the school grounds. It was getting pretty warm as March drew to a close, and I was able to just throw on a light cloak over my normal clothing.

The sun was warm on my face as we strolled in the direction of the Black Lake, just able to make out one of the giant squid's tentacles breaking the surface of the water as it dived down once more.

"How are you feeling this afternoon my love? You seem much more relaxed but I also know that can very well be a ruse." She made a point to look at me, eyes telling me there would be no nonsense today.

"I'm.. alright. My mind is still racing a bit and it always takes me a couple of days to fully get over an episode, but I'm alright. It's getting easier." I spoke truthfully, choosing my words carefully to fully convey my true emotions.

"Good. I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope tonight will make things even better." She had a little smirk on her face and a glint in her eye that made me quirk an eyebrow.

"You know you haven't really told me anything about what you have planned. It's slightly concerning how excited you are Cissy. " I laughed.

"You'll just have to wait and see." That just peaked my curiosity even further but I let it go, knowing I wasn't going to get anything more out of her.

We walked the perimeter of the large lake, taking nearly an hour to finally get back to our starting point and making our way back in the direction of the castle.

"We have to wait until it's dark but we'll be eating so don't worry about going to the Great Hall. We'll meet back in my chambers at 7:00pm deal?" I agreed and we parted ways, I going towards the Slytherin common room to rummage through the clothes I didn't keep in Narcissa's chambers. I kept my essentials in her room but it was easier to leave my lesser worn clothing and other belongings in my dorm room which was where my date worthy attire was.

As it was nearing time for dinner not many people were around. However, Pansy was laying on her bed reading some sort of magazine when I made my way into the shared room.

"Haven't seen you in here in a bit. Everything alright with the old love life?" As soon as I walked in she immediately dropped the magazine and sat up, crossing her legs and getting comfortable to interrogate me.

I laughed at her nosy ness. "Everything's fine. I'm just getting ready for a date tonight. Wait.. who even told you I'm with Narcissa?" I hadn't really thought about the fact that I never even told Pansy about my girlfriend, she just seemed to know.

"Well, you just did babe. But I've more or less known for a while. Draco was suspicious of the two of you and the more I watched you two interact the more obvious it was. I'm happy for you y/n. I've never seen you care about someone as much as you care about Narcissa." She gave me a small, genuine smile that of which I returned. Pansy really was a good friend, she played the bad girl part well but deep down she truly cared about her friend's.

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