Last Days of Break

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I was absolutely exhausted after the events of yesterday and being that Draco still wasn't back, stayed in bed with Narcissa until almost 11am. I would have happily stayed nestled into her for the rest of my life.

I was beginning to think about school, however. Draco and I would be returning for second term and I wasn't sure how this was going to work. Did she even want to make it work? Was I just a fling while she was lonely? I had caught genuine feelings for this woman and wasn't ready to give her up.

I had spent so much time overthinking everything that I didn't even notice Cissy was awake. She was looking at me with concern filled eyes as I stared off into space. She partly sat up, resting her head on one hand and pushing a stand of my hair behind my ear.

"What's on your mind darling?" She asked, looking down at me and still playing with my hair. It felt so nice to be cared about, genuinely cared about, and I wasn't ready to give that up just yet. I felt tears forming in my eyes and tried to blink them away before she noticed. But, as usual, nothing got past Narcissa.

"Hey, talk to me love. What are you thinking about?" She placed a gentle kiss on my temple waiting on me to start talking. "I.. er.. we.. start back to school soon." I didn't know how to ask what I really wanted to.

"That's not all is it though?" She could always see right through me. "Do you still want to be with me?" I finally blurted out, turning to face her and tearing up again, automatically expecting to be rejected.

"Of course I still want to be with you my love. Why on Earth would you think I didn't?" She looked hurt that I would even consider such a thing. "I just didn't know if this was a one off thing, something to do-", she cut me off by kissing me on the lips, hard.

"I like you y/n. I really like you and I want to be with you if you want to be with me." She sat back as she waited on my response. "More than anything in the world." I looked up at her and gave her a small smile and she did the same before laying back down with her head on my chest and cuddling me tightly. "We'll make this work".

/ / / /

Draco returned a little while after lunch, still very much hung over. He walked in with a scowl on his face, messy hair, and his clothes all disheveled. I didn't remember which friend he went home with but from the looks of him, it was a girl.

"Well hello to you too ferret face." I laughed at his irritated expression as he sat down on the sofa beside me. "I have absolutely no clue what happened last night." He groaned, rubbing his face and sighing.

"Well it looks like you had fun at least." He glared at me out of the corner of his eye. "I don't like her but she seems to think we're a thing now."

"Who even was it? I saw you leave but not with who."

"A random 6th year Slytherin girl. Her last name is Salvatore but I never even got her first name."

"Well good luck with that" and with that I left to go back up to my room for a bit. I knew I needed to start packing for school but I just couldn't bring myself to face reality quite yet. I continued to stare at my trunk, trying to will myself to be productive and at least get some non essentials in it, when I felt arms wrap around my waist and someone nuzzle their face into my neck.

I knew who it was without having to turn around and placed a kiss on her cheek. "I don't want to go back." I murmured, letting my shoulders sag.

"Come here darling." She turned me around and wrapped me in a hug, letting me rest my head on her chest. "It'll be over before you know it. And you're always welcome to come visit. We'll figure out a schedule once you've settled back into your routine." I knew she was right but it just wouldn't be the same not seeing her everyday.

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