Planning the Ball

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'Ah the real joy of Christmas. Cleaning shit up the day after.' I thought to myself as I magically swept up left over wrapping paper and glitter that had been scattered around the living area. Narcissa was taking apart the tree as Draco removed all the small decorations from around the manor.

Finally the manor was back to how it was supposed to look and we could go about our day. We were currently all sat in front of the fireplace discussing the upcoming New Years Eve ball. Normally the Malfoy's held an annual Christmas Ball and the New Year's Eve ball, however, with Lucius being imprisoned in Azkaban the former never got planned.

Now it was time to start planning and preparing for the big event and we were figuring out how exactly to go about that. "I will have the house elves prepare the food and the ballroom, I need to send out invites, find a dress, Draco we need to get you a suit, and y/n.. do you have an outfit for that evening?" Narcissa glanced up from her list.

"Uh I don't think so. I can find one in Hogsmeade this week. They have that little tailor shop we always go to before the dances at school." I had a couple of dresses with me but I wanted something a bit more flashy. Something that would wow Narcissa.

"Very well. We will take a trip into town tomorrow to sort all of that out then." She was obviously stressed about this whole thing not having been the one to have to set these events up in the past. Lucius was more the social butterfly of the family as he enjoyed showing off his wealth to those he deemed worthy of his attention. However, Draco and Narcissa simply went along with it to please him.

Draco walked back up to his room to send his own invites to his friend's families to help his mother out with that at least. I scooted closer to her on the sofa and laid my hand on her back, gently rubbing it trying to get her to relax. "I promise everything will be just fine. We can do this. You aren't doing this alone love." I whispered and I felt some of the tension melt out of her shoulders.

"I know. I just don't want to disappoint anyone. They are used to such a grand party and I don't know if I can pull it off." She dropped her head into her hands and I began rubbing her back again. I tried to make her look me in the eye, finally having to physically turn her head towards me by her jaw. I gently pressed my lips against hers and finally she relaxed all the way as she kissed me back.

I pulled away before things got carried away and Draco walked in on us, but held her hands in my own, giving her what I hoped was a comforting smile. "I promise it will be absolutely wonderful. It'll be the best New Year's Eve party the wizarding world has ever seen." I grinned as she chuckled at me. "I really do hope you're right."

I did my best to help Narcissa out any way that I could. I had the elves help me with the ball room and by the end of it everything was shiny and perfect. All we had to do was set the food out the day of, and set up the music. The elves began prepping for the feast they knew had to be prepared that day and I went to go and find Narcissa and see how she was holding up.

⚠️Smut Ahead⚠️

I quickly found her in Lucius's old office, hands in her hair, reading over something. I walked over to her and rested my hand on her back to alert her of my presence. "Almost done with the invites. Then I've just got to send them off. Merlin knows how long that's going to take." She let out an exhausted sigh. "You can use Merlot if you like. Another owl will help lighten the load." I offered as I began gently rubbing her back.

"Yes thank you dear." She sat back in the chair and I used a bit of wand less magic to lock the door, lest Draco walk in.

I straddled her hips as I took a seat on her lap. I pushed a stray stand of hair behind her ear before leaning in and kissing her softly. "You need to relax." I whispered into her ear. I felt her hands find their way to my hips and her tongue asking for permission to enter my lips. I granted her access and our tongues danced together and I let out a soft moan as she gripped my hips a little bit harder.

I moved down to her neck and began nipping and sucking, leaving a few red marks. I knew I had found her sweet spot when she suddenly moaned and her nails dug into my skin. I attacked that spot as she began whimpering. "Oh Merlin y/n. That feels good."

As I continued working on that one spot, I unbuttoned her shirt and slipped a hand between her bra and right breast, squeezing gently. Her eyes rolled back and she tilted her head back as another small moan escaped her. I quietly mumbled a silencing charm just in case.

I moved back up to her lips, kissing her deeply and beginning to play with her left breast instead. She ran her hands down by back, leaving red scratches even through the fabric of my shirt. I moaned at the pained pleasure.

I scooted off of her lap and onto the floor almost underneath the desk. I shoved her skirt up and pulled her underwear down to her feet. I began nipping at the inside of her thighs, refusing to touch her where she really wanted to be touched.

"P.. please y/n. I need you." I granted her wish and began licking and sucking on her clit, making her moan louder. I stuck two fingers in as she was already dripping wet and began slowly thrusting them in an out. "Faster.. faster." She whimpered out as she entangled her fingers in my hair.

"Now now love. Be patient." I continued my agonizingly slow pace and she began trying to buck her hips as an attempt to go faster. "Stop that." I removed my fingers altogether and she whimpered at the lack of pleasure. "Be a good girl for me now Narcissa" I moved back so that I was sitting on her lap and pressed my chest against hers, kissing her as I used one hand to gently choke her.

I reached down with the other hand and began rubbing circles on her clit again, making her moan in pure ecstasy. I attacked her sweet spot on her neck again and she started squirming a bit, thrusting her hips against my hand as her orgasm built. I could tell that she was close and moved my other hand to her entrance, thrusting two fingers inside of her again.

"I.. I'm gonna.. please make me cum y/n. I need to cum." I continued my pace, letting her finally have that release.

Her back arched up off of the chair as her walls tightened around my fingers. I felt her warm liquid spilling over my fingers and as she came down from her high I removed them and stuck them in my mouth, making her watch me as I tasted her sweet cum.

"You know just how to take care of me y/n." She smiled seductively at me as I stood up. She fixed her clothes and I smoothed out my hair before walking back out into the rest of the manor. 'There was something incredibly hot about fucking her in her husband's office' I thought as we made our way upstairs to clean up a bit.

I followed her into her bedroom and over to the bathroom to shower. We washed off what just occurred and I used a bit of healing cream to take out the redness I had left on her neck. 'Don't need Draco knowing the unholy things I do to his mother'.

Aside from Dinner we didn't see Draco much that night. He was in his room sending off invites and doing Merlin knows what else. Narcissa and I hung out in her bedroom with her reading aloud as I slowly fell asleep with my head resting on her chest. "You're welcome to spend the night in here with me my love." She whispered as she stroked my hair. "Mhm" was all I muttered as I continued to fall deeper into a much needed rest. I drifted off to the sweet sound of Narcissa's humming and her fingers playing with my hair.

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