Return to Malfoy Manor Part 2

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'Please, Merlin please be alive my love'.

I slowed my pace as I walked closer, terrified that I would discover my lover's cold, lifeless body on the floors of the Malfoy dungeons. I would never be able to live with myself if I had let her die such a lonely, horrible death.

I kneeled down beside Narcissa's still frame and gently rolled her over so that she was lying on her back. I placed a shaky hand on one rope burned wrist, looking for a pulse, and leaned down to see if I could hear her heart beating. To my utter relief there was both. She was unconscious and barely alive, but she was in fact alive. I knew I had to get her out of here as soon as possible and to a healer else she would still die.

I was trying to figure out the best way to move her when her body jerked, coughs wracking her tired body as I helped her to sit up and lean against my chest for support.

"Y/n?" She just barely croaked out, still only mildly conscious.

"I'm here my love. I'm right here. We're getting you out of here."

I took out my wand and freed her from the ropes binding her wrists and ankles, allowing her to stand with much support. I was more or less dragging her up the stairs and towards the sounds of fighting to fetch Draco before apparating out of here.

"Cruciatus. He used the cruciatus." She mumbled as I pulled her along. I paused for just a moment, my heart clenching at the thought of the pain she had endured while being here.

"Don't worry my sweet. You're safe now. I have to get Draco and then we're out of this place for good." After this was all said and done I was going to get her out of this house and make sure she never had to come back and relive all the trauma that had happened in this hell hole ever again.

I laid her down on one of the sofa's in the living room while I helped get Draco out and await the aurors. I was sure the headmaster had alerted them by now and I didn't want these bastards to escape their imprisonment once again.

I stepped into the dining room to find it absolutely destroyed. Glass was everywhere from the broken windows and chandelier, Lucius was bleeding from his head and covered in dust from being thrown through one of the walls. Bellatrix and Draco were going at it, both of them equally skilled with no one having the upper hand. Neither of them looked injured, yet.

I numbly walked through the middle of the room, past the curses being shot around me, and towards the man who had made our lives Hell for the past few months, not to mention Cissy's entire adult life. He turned to face me, face darkening as he waited on me to make the first move.

I looked him up and down as I pointed my wand towards him and quietly spoke "crucio". I had never cast an unforgivable, yet I had no problems conjuring enough hate for the man writhing underneath me. He tried to bite his tongue and not give me the pleasure of hearing him scream but was unsuccessful.

The pain overwhelmed him and he let out a blood curdling scream as his body convulsed on the floor. I looked down on him with no emotion, relishing in making this man's life just as miserable as he had made my girlfriend's even if it was only for a couple of minutes.

Finally I released him from the curse and he relaxed, grateful. However, I wasn't quite done. I grabbed the man's throat and pulled him into a sitting position, pushing him roughly against the wall in order to keep him upright. He grunted in pain but it just encouraged me all the more. I leaned down, mere centimeters from his face and spoke in a low, even tone.

"Just thought I should return the favor. Now, I will be taking Narcissa with me while you and your little crony sit here and wait for the aurors to take you back to Azkaban where I'll make sure you stay until you rot." I squeezed his throat hard, digging my nails into his pale skin as I spit those last words in disgust.

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