First Day of Christmas Break

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I awoke to a soft light coming from the window and knew it was morning. I checked the clock on my bedside table to see that it was about 7:30. Breakfast was served at 8 so I had a bit of time before heading downstairs. I quickly got dressed in a simple black sweater and ripped black jeans as I wasn't sure what the agenda was for today. I fixed my hair so it looked semi presentable, and washed the sleep from my face before deciding it was good enough for now.

I had just walked out of my room and shut the door when Draco came barging around the corner at full speed with panic in his eyes. He finally stopped as he got to me, and hid behind me like the 5 year old he is. "What's your problem Draco? It's too early for this". I grumbled as I tried to keep my balance with him wrapped around me. "L-l-lord Voldemort is back!" He stuttered. I stared at him in bewilderment for a moment before I heard soft footfalls coming from the direction Draco had just come from.

As soon as the figure stepped around the corner I gasped. It really was Voldemort. Or it at least looked like him. As soon as the creature saw me it began changing into a shadowy figure I had seen far too many times. I drew my wand and cast 'riddikulus' at it and the figure vanished. "Draco it was just a boggart. Not like you haven't seen one before".

"I.. I knew that." He had a slight pink tint on his cheeks as he starred, fascinated, at the ground. "Come on blondie. Let's go eat and I promise to protect you from the big bad boggarts" I laughed at his irritated expression.

We walked into the kitchen to find Narcissa already in her usual seat at the table sipping coffee. Draco and I grabbed our own cups before sitting down and waiting on the food to appear. "Good morning y/n. Did you sleep alright last night my dear?" Narcissa asked sweetly. "I slept wonderfully. I'm honestly kind of surprised I woke up in time for breakfast." She chuckled before taking another swig from her coffee. The food appeared and we dug in. It was just as incredible as it had been the night before and I found myself eating more than my fair share.

"Someone's hungry this morning." Narcissa laughed, watching me inhale yet another piece of bacon. "It's just so good!" I replied in between mouthfuls. "You know y/n", Draco started, "you might not be so hungry if you actually ate at school. I hardly ever see you in the Great Hall at meals". He gave me a pointed look as he nibbled on his own bacon. "I'm usually studying. Pansy or one of the boys will bring me back something and we may or may not sneak out after curfew and raid the kitchen every other night." I gave Draco a mischievous look and wiped the bacon grease off my hands.

"So I was thinking we could go and see if the lake has frozen over yet and maybe go ice skating. Have you ever been ice skating y/n?" Draco questioned. "No I've never even been regular skating." I replied guiltily. "Well we're gonna fix at least one of those things while you're here!" I didn't like the look he gave me, I knew I was in for an interesting day.

"Oh and mother we apparently have more boggarts. Y/n got rid of one this morning." Draco gave me a look that said 'don't tell her the rest of what happened this morning' and I had to hide a snort. I so wanted to embarrass him.

"Oh my that must have been scary. I'm glad you were able to recognize what it was and protect my brave son y/n" she hid her smirk behind her hand.

"Mum!" Draco whined. "I'm sorry love I had to. You kids go and check out the lake. Just be careful you don't fall in. Whether it's frozen solid or not the water underneath is still freezing cold and I don't need either of you getting sick or drowning." 'It was cute when her mom mode activated' I thought to myself.

The two of us ran upstairs to get ready to go out in the snow. I grabbed all of my winter gear, I was so not a fan of the cold, and headed downstairs to wait on ferret face. I found Narcissa in the entrance hall straightening up a few things, and she turned around when she heard me approach. "It will take Draco a little while. You know how he is about his appearance. Especially his hair." She smiled and crossed her arms in front of her.

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