My new roommate- Chapter 2

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(Still Emma POV)

Finally, summer vacation started. No more school for me, or anyone I know, because most of my friends are in collage, just like me.

Today is the day. Today is going to be torture. I have to live at school from now on, AND before you come at me saying that I am missing out, I'm not. I know all my classmates and I don't like none of them. I mostly hate the boys. They are annoying and one of them used to stalk me.

The teacher started giving us all keys and telling us where our dorm is, I was at the back of the line. When the teacher came to me she told me something. 'Emma, dear, please take care of your roommate, she might break something.' She said in a very amused but serious tone. 'Sure thing, miss. ' I said giggling. She gave me the key and left. I started to wonder who my roommate might be, how will they act and if we will get along or not.

I entered the school and turned left, then turned right and again left. I was walking on the hallway looking for the room 304. I look to my left, there is room 302, at my right is 303 and after 302, on the left is 304. The door looks untouched and there are no noises coming from the room. It seems like nobody was there. I gently open the door to see nobody in the room, only a small, blue luggage full of cute stickers with cats and birds.

I was confused, until, I heard it. It was a noise coming from the bathroom. I could barely hear it, but I was sure it was the water from the shower. I knocked on the bathroom door and I heard a soft voice telling me to enter. I got scared and started shaking. My roommate noticed that I didn't enter, so they came to the bathroom door and opened it. It was a short girl, with brown, wavy hair. She had a white shirt and some shirt pants that matched with her green glowing eyes. I was surprised and happy to see her here.

It was Ari. She was my best friend since grade school, maybe even since kindergarten!

I hugged her tight telling her how happy and relieved I was because she'll be my roommate for the next few years. I take back what I said, I like her. She is the best roommate I could have! 'Why didn't you enter when I told you that you can? Did you want me to come and open the door for you, lazy?' she said amused. She grabbed my hand and led me to the shower. That was what she was looking at the whole time. I was confused why she was so attracted by it. It was like a force bringing her to it.

Ok,I think I should stop reading that much Wattpad, cause it might hurt my brain and thinking.
'Taeyoung?' I asked. 'Yeas, Emma? What does your heart desire?' she said in a joke. 'Why tf did the teacher giving us the keys tell me to take care of you because you might break something? If your noggin isn't hurt, then you're fine.' 'Because I might run around and break my noggin, cause SOMEBODY, I won't say who, DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SAY HEAD' ' Haha. Good joke. It was so funny that I forgot to laugh.' 'I know, I am the funniest person there ever exists!' Taeyoung said. She started to laugh, she got water in her hands and thrown it at me, we we're throwing water at each other, until we finally realized that the water splattered around the whole bathroom. We stopped the water and laughed hysterically.

We we're having so much fun the whole day that we didn't even realise how the time passed. We looked at the clock and we got shocked. 'HOW?! IT IS 2:00 AM ALREADY?!' Taeyoung said confused. I just smiled and started to laugh at the disappointed and confused faces she made. She slapped me and we both started to laugh hysterically. I love to be with her in the room.

She got her pyjamas and entered in the bathroom, while I was changing next to our beds. She came out of the bathroom in her blue pijamas full of llamas. My pijama was dark blue full of stars. She sat down on my bed and layed on it. I told her that this was my bed, but I didn't have a problem with her sleeping on it with me. She blushed a little and apologized to me. I hugged her tight. I could feel her face warming up, I looked up at her and her face was red. I chuckled and she went to her bed. I looked at her slowly drifting to a deep slumber. I smiled. I layed on my bed calmly and looked at the ceiling thinking of Killing Stalking. I liked the book, but I cried at it. It was sad.

I woke up with Taeyoung in my bed hugging me. I felt my face warm up. I didn't know why, but I kind of liked it. I pat her head and slowly got up trying not to wake her up. She hugged me tightly as I tried to get up. She got up with me and apologised. I told her that it was ok and hugged her. We remained there for a while. She put her face on my chest and smiled. She went to her bed and sat on it. I sat next to her. She was laying with her face to the wall, so I couldn't see it. I turned her head to see that she fell back asleep. I chuckled and put the blanket on her.

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