Chapter 9 - Jokyo Yaushiro joined the chat

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(Credits to the person who had drwn this, I put this picture because Jokyo looks similar to this)

Chapter 9

(Taeyoung POV)
After a few hours I was allowed to go back to the school. When I entered, Jokyo rushed to me and hugged me. 'Oh God. Thank God you're fine. From now on.' She looked at Emma. 'You will have to guard every move of hers. UNDERSTOOD?'

She screamed looking at Emma. 'Aye aye, captain!' Emma laughed. Jokyo brought me and Emma to our room and hugged me once again. ' If you ever make another suicide attempt, I swear I will literally kill you with my bare hands, UNDERSTOOD?'

'Yes.. ' She let go and head to her dorm. I felt relieved once again. Nothing causing me trouble. The only thing that I had to do was keep Emma happy. She was my only source of happiness. I was so glad I had her. I looked at Emma who was looking at me with her arms open. I went to her hugged her. I put my head on her chest.

Her long turquoise hair was tickling my pale face. Her light purple eyes were so beautiful and attractive. Her skin was slightly darker than mine, but who cared who was more pale or more dark? The only thing that mattered were my love for her and her beautiful face and personality. I fell in love with her. She was always with me. She was the one who remained with me for the rest of my eternity. I didn't want those moments to end. I wanted to make it better, so I brought my headphones and plugged them in.

We listened to a lot of Mitski and a few songs based off of some our favorite games. I wanted those moments to last forever. I went close to her and hugged her. She hugged me back and kissed my cheek. We layed on the bed like that for a few hours because I fell asleep easily. I hope she isn't mad at me... I love her too much. I don't want her, I need her to survive. I cannot live without her warm embrace. I don't want to think that one day we won't be living together...

'Emma?' I asked. 'Yes, Taeyoung? Did something happen?' She responded while rubbing her eyes. 'What day is it today?' She yawned. 'I don't know what day it is, but I know that it is too early to think about this.' She said tiredly. 'Please? It is important...' I asked. She sighted and looked at her phone. 'It is 3rd June. Why?' 'When do we finish college?' 'On the 8th of June. Why?' 'Will we ever see each other again after this?' 'Probably not, but I don't want to think about it. Now come here and let me hug you to sleep.' I did as she said, but this weird feeling is still bugging me. What if I lose her? What if she never texts me again? I stayed for a few minutes trying to figure out the answers to those questions and eventually, I found it. She needs to be mine. I have 5 more days left until I can tell her, but I am too scared that she'll reject me. I should better think about this tomorrow.

(They were in the dorm for almost an year and that is why, a lot of time goes by and sorry, short chapter)

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