End of school -Chapter 1

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(Emma POV)

It was a hot summer day. It was the last day of school. I was excited to finally have time to practice my hobbies.

I was so happy until, one of our teachers came in the classroom and gave us some quite shocking news. 'Dear students, today I came here to announce you all about the summer vacation. Every student that learns at this school has the option to stay at a dorm.' She held up some papers and told us 'Your parents have to sign and write if their child has permission to stay at dorms. The student will live here until they finish the studies at this collage. Tomorrow you have to bring me the papers back signed by the parent and with your full name. Did you understand?' 'Yes, miss.' We all said simultaneously.

The teacher gave us all the papers. I went to my mom, that is working at this school (I know, I'm very cool), and she told me , as a joke, that my new home is going to be a dorm. I honestly hate when she makes this types of jokes, they are annoying.

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