Character introduction

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Heyoo, this is my first ever story so please don't be mean-

     Oh, and here are the characters and how they look like:

Emma - Main character:
   Turquoise straight long hair , greenish-turqoise eyes and thas all (sorry if I put them in a wrong order)

Taeyoung (Ari) - Secondary- Main character:
Short brown hair, green eyes and a green hoodie (Emma's clothes change almost daily)

Galaxy - Secondary character:
Yellow skin? (The Korean one) Turgoise medium hair, turquoise eyes. Light grey shirt wiht long sleeves (her sleeves are like a kimono's sleeves, but much more smaller) and black pants/ black skirt

Tai - Secondary character:
Brown hair, darker skin and a black costume with a black skirt

Rin - Secondary character:
Grey hair, dark pink eyes, a white school shirt and some brown jeans

Ikkura (Emma and Galaxy's mother) -
  Grey long hair, dark blue eyes, a long grey shirt and a black long skirt

Lee-no (it is read Ino) -
Turquoise hair, dark grey eyes, looks like a teacher

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