Season One: Epilogue

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"You may go in now"

Shinji opened the door, entering a plain old room with white walls. A singular steel table and a pair of chairs. One of which was occupied by Wooshik. Shinji let out a weak smile as he closed the door behind him.

For Wooshik, the room wasn't all that mundane. The table had some food there, in fact it was some traditional Wakandan dishes. The main being some sort of slow cooked lamb with various spices. From what Shinji could see, it must have been delicious as there was nothing left. No greens, bread, or meat.

"How have you been doing Wooshik?" Shinji asked, pulling out the chair and taking a seat. "Been treating you well?"

Wooshik nodded his head. "Very... The people here... They are very kind. Surprising for me after what I've done."

"You weren't you" Shinji explained. "The serum you injected yourself with made you more aggressive, prone to anger. Didn't help that you kept on taking it"

Wooshik craned his head. Event though that wasn't him per say, he could still remember all the things he's done. The people he's killed. Now that he had some semblance of his own sanity, he couldn't believe it. 

"All I wanted was to get back at Jintae. Expose him for what he did." Wooshik began, clenching his hands which were bound, into fists. "Then at some point... I just... Blacked out. I was there but... I wasn't the one controlling what I was doing or saying..."

"Safe to say it was like... It was like I was trapped in my own body with no control. The words that I spoke... They weren't necessarily all from the serum" Wooshik said, letting out a heavy sigh. He looked at Shinji with guilt-ridden eyes. 

"Some of it was true I presume?" Shinji asked. 

Wooshik lowered his head, moving it a bit to nod. "What I said about killing Jintae was true. The bit about killing everyone else associated with him had some truth to it" 

"Is it really wrong?" Wooshik asked. "When I was in the military, thats all they ordered me to do. Go find this factions leader and kill him. His associates? Kill them too. Why? Because they are dangerous and threaten the lives of many others."

"Me, along with multiple SOF teams out there have done the same. What I saw in those terrorists eyes were no different from the ones who took my family away. The people who create the monster should just be as guilty as the crimes the monster committed."

Shinji leaned back onto his seat. He always had this no kill policy. He never really thought about this other perspective. Wooshiks view on criminals was, needless to say, very different. Then again, the criminals Shinji has dealt with are very different from the criminals Wooshik dealt with.

"To me..." Shinji began. "As a single person... I don't believe I have the right to judge someone's fate. I don't have the right to choose whether or not someone lives."

"It's easy to say when you didn't lose someone you love" Wooshik gritted his teeth. Just the thought of that day made Wooshiks blood boil.

Shinji joined Wooshik in clenching his fists. "No..." He said with a quiet and restrained voice.

"I know exactly what its like" Shinji said, his eyes lowered to his hands. He unclenched his fists, looking at the palms of his hand. "I understand the feeling... How it's like to have your father taken away"

"I've been in your exact position" Shinji began, looking up at Wooshik. Just from one glance Wooshik could see a familiar glint in his eyes. It's one not many people had. He could see Shinji was holding onto a lot of baggage, that of pain, loss and regret.

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