Stepping up door the driver-side door, Louie was surprised to find it wasn't locked. Sliding into the comfortable brown leather seats, the teen immediately began searching through the car, eventually finding a set of keys and a piece of paper hidden in the folding sun-visor.

He unfolded the paper. - "Uh, I don't think this belongs to Scrooge." - He commented, handing it to his oldest Brother.

"Happy 18th Birthday Donald, hope you enjoy the car. Love, Scrooge." - Huey read aloud. - "Wait this belongs to Uncle Donald?"

"If this belonged to Uncle Donald, then why did he drive that old silver hatchback for most of our childhood?"

"Safety reasons." - Huey reasoned. - "It's probably easier to fit three kid's seats in the hatchback then it is in this car."

"Hold on, didn't Mom get the Sunchaser when she turned 18?" - Dewey questioned.

Louie snorted. - "Wonder who was Scrooge's favourite?" - He inserted the key into the car. - "Now let's see if this baby still runs."

Turning the key, the three Brothers were happy to hear the engine purr. 

"Ok we're definitely taking this car." - Dewey commented, his Brothers swiftly agreeing with him.

The oldest and middle triplets took the passenger and back seats respectively, while the youngest of the three, continued to rev the car's engine, loving the sound it made.

"Hold onto something." - He commanded with a smirk, before accelerating forward. The sensor on the garage-door in front of the vehicle reacting to the movement and opening just in time for the car to avoid smashing into it.

Now outside, Louie sped forward, and the car swiftly closed in on the manor's main road. Deciding to have a little fun with the new set of wheels. He pulled the handbrake and began doing donuts around the fountain in the centre of the driveway.

The three teen's cheers and hollers attracted the  attention of those still within the Manor, moments later, Scrooge and Beakley stepped out onto the stairs that led up to the front door, staring in disbelief at the car doing tricks in front on them.

"What in blazes is going on here?" - Scrooge squawked.

Louie stopped the car and rolled down his window.

"We're just having a little bit of fun Uncle Scrooge."

Huey leant towards the window. - "Louie's taking us on a road trip!"

Noticing the two older ducks disproving locks, Louie smiled. - "Don't worry I'll have them back in one piece." - Before quickly speeding back off, so that he wouldn't be talked out of it. 

Beakley sighed. - "That boy is too much like his Father for his won good." - She muttered disdainfully.

"Wonder what that Lad's doing know?"

"Probably swindling someone else."

At that, the two turned and entered back into the manor. The front-door shutting with a resounding thwap.


   It had been three hours since the boys had left the manor in Donald's old muscle car, and about ten minutes since they had pulled into a petrol station to refill their empty tank. The three had set off towards the next stop on the Circus of Six's tour which Louie had estimated to be just out of the State.

Inside, the three had immediately headed towards the snack aisle, filling their hands with as much junk food as they could carry.

Louie, who was having trouble deciding what to get for himself, was standing alone, a bag of crisps in each hand, when he heard the TV in the corner of the store, beside the clerk's desk and cash register, begin playing a news report focusing on an antique vase being stolen from a private collection in New Zealand.

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