Jeon Jungkook Reviews

161 18 8

Reviews of the winners:-



By KimGits

Cover: 5/5 (Absolutely beautiful cover, especially the portraits and the painter give a general idea about the story, loved it.)

Title: 5/5 (At first, I was a bit puzzled due to the word 'Elegia', but after I completed the whole story, it made sense. The most appropriate title with regards to the story.)

Description/blurb: 9/10 (The quote is so good, and the poem (or is it an elegy?) also intrigued me so much about how the events would unfold, especially the bittersweet lines.)

Beginning of the story: 9/10 (Nothing extraordinary is shown in the beginning except for the normal college life and this dream girl. But it works.)

Plot/concept/theme: 19/20 (Just so good! I would've never imagined such a turning plot twist. The concept of the whole story after reading for the second time puzzled together, and I just loved it.)

Writing style: [in 5 points]

1. Grammar: 10/10 (I was told in school that you cannot get full marks for languages, but this book had zero spelling mistakes or any grammatical errors.)

2. Punctuations: 5/5 (All punctuation were on point.)

3. Vocabulary: 5/5 (The vocabulary used is so rich and exquisite. The descriptions used are SO GOOD.)

4. Dialogues: 4/5 (There were some unnecessary dialogues in the beginning, but they almost vanished. Other than that, they were so poetic and nice.)

5. Paragraph structure: 5/5 (Moderate paragraphs are simple to read. No changes or improvements required as such.)

Character development: 9/10 (Character development has been given appropriate time to and is beautifully done. Sometimes I felt the pace of the story is too fast or too slow, but it's fine.)

Overall enjoyment: 9/10. (Absolute must read, but during some chapters I wasn't feeling the excitement. Overall a very enjoyable experience, I would surely recommend my friends to read.)

TOTAL MARKS: 94/100 

Host score - 82

Overall Combined score - 176



By taehyungs_guccigirl

By taehyungs_guccigirl

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