9-Revelations and Rejection

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Kai’s P.O.V (8:26isham)

I wake up again to someone talking from the room next door, I think it was Redgy. And I swear he said something about Peter Parker, has someone turned into Spiderman?

I drag myself up from my bed when I hear an odd sort of shuffle outside my door and the Spiderman theme tune. What the hell is going on here?!

I stick my head out still half asleep and stared down at the floor in shock.

Ivy was sat outside my room, on her arse, in a Spiderman outfit. She smiled up at me amusement lacing her tone as she said to me. “Hi, my name is Patricia Parker and I am SPIDERWOMAAAN!!” she then leaped up and spidered away from my room. When she met up with Sammie, Sammie rolled her eyes and dragged her down the stairs. I may as well start to get ready because I don’t think that I will get back to sleep.

I step out the door and look down the hallway; there are only three doors in this level of the house. We had the top floor which was actually floor 9; yeah we have a big house. I’m just happy I have werewolf strength or I would probably pass out running up to my room.

I guess that Ivy lived in the little storage room that me and my band used to practice in, I walked up to the door and turned the handle as I walked in I was greeted by red walls and the scent of apples, fresh cut grass, Ivy’s own special scent and girl. Her room was unsurprisingly messy and just had an unmade bed a set of draws, and a bedside table there was also a door to the side that I knew lead to a cupboard. I knew I shouldn’t pry but perched on her bedside table was two picture frames.

I grabbed the biggest frame and inside was a family photo of a family sat on the steps in front of a mansion; two small children who looked about 8 were sat with their arms wrapped around each other and happy grins on their faces. One child was a girl and one a boy; they look so similar that I think they are twins. The parents were sat behind them curled up next to each other, they were obviously mates. They both had sunshine coloured hair that matched the children father has blue eyes and the mother brown.

The more I look at this picture the more I’m sure I know these people, I squint my eyes as I look at what the children are wearing. The boy is just wearing a slightly grubby white shirt and a pair of bright yellow underpants. The little girl is more covered up; she has a pair of dusty black combat boots, white tights, a blue necklace and a black poofy dress. I could feel my breath get caught in my throat as I looked at the picture.

It was her. Ivy

I heard Sparks whimper in confusion.

Why would this Ivy have a picture of my Ivy? Unless… 

No! She couldn’t be, could she?

I look closer at the girl and had a sudden flashback as I saw the mischief glinting in her eyes


We’ve arrived, I jumped out and grabbed my overnight bag, did I forget to mention?  We are staying for 3 lonely, long days. Their house is much bigger then ours and more pretty. It sounds lively and loud, the complete opposite of our house. As we made our way up the stone steps I say that the doorbell was a Metal knocker in the shape of a wolf's paw.


I couldn’t help a small laugh at that last thing and my parent’s slightly scared faces.


And with that the door burst open and a little girl stood in front of us in a black dress, white tights, blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She looked at us all for a minute and then smiled.

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