Chapter V

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It has been a week since she last saw him. She tried calling and texting him but still there was no reply. She was beginning to look desperate. She needed answers. She spent the past week thinking about where she has gone wrong. But she still can’t think of anything that made him upset.

It made her angry. She wanted to see him so bad that it was driving her insane.

She got a call from Jack’s sister in the middle of the day. She was nervous. She kept pacing around the room like a college student waiting for the results to come out.

She wanted so bad to hear from Jack and having Abigail contact her was a first.

Abigail asked her if she would like to go to their apartment. She told her Yes immediately and did an inner happy dance.

She arrived at Jack’s place at 1:43 in the afternoon. She looked around and noticed how everything was in its order. There were several pictures that were posted on the wall. They were mostly award and pictures of them.

“Hi Lisa, how are you?” Abigail greeted her with genuine smile.

“I’m fine, it’s just that I am worried about Jack, he hasn’t returned my calls and I’m mortified because he hadn’t done this before.” She replied a little too nervously.

And that’s where she noticed.

Jack wasn’t alright. She can see it from her Abigail’s action. The nervous biting of her nails, the high-pitched voice, those were all signs that she was hiding something from her.

“Is there anything wrong Abs?” she asked. She was hoping that there wasn’t any. Lisa was wishing that she’d tell her that everyone was fine and there was nothing to worry about but she didn’t. And that is where it started…

“I am sorry Lisa, He is gone. Cancer got the best of him. He suffered from cancer and we just knew it a week before he died. There were no signs but one night, he told me how he cannot breathe. He was coughing so violently and there were bloods that were coming out of his mouth. I am sorry Lisa.” And with that she felt her whole world collapsed. Lisa waited for her to continue and she did. She needed more answers. Why didn’t she tell her sooner? Why didn’t he tell me?  

 “I didn’t mean to keep it from you. It was his one wish and I didn’t have choice. He was so desperate. I granted it but now that he’s gone and now seeing you like this, so helpless, I can’t help it. I am so sorry.” She started while her sobs filled the room. Lisa was shocked. She can feel her knees getting weak with each word. She felt numb. She stood there in silence. She can’t even utter a single word. She didn’t know what to say. She wanted to get mad; she wanted Jack to be beside her so that she could scream at him because of how much she is hurting. “I could have told you sooner, but I couldn’t betray him. I would probably regret telling you, but now I know that you deserve to know the truth. Sorry it took a long time for me to tell you.” She finally finished. Abby’s eyes were welling up with tears; they were full of sadness and agony, besides from the pain that both her parents and Jack had caused. She was sad because at that moment she realized that Jack was right. 



“Please don’t tell her Abs, it’ll ruin her, if she finds out, she’ll stop existing, and it will be almost like killing her.”  Jack pleaded.

“But I have to, Jack, It’s unfair.” She answered back.
 “Please abs, Promise me. Promise that you won’t tell her.” He pleaded more. He was on his knees. He was crying. God! She hated it when he cries. The last time she have seen him like this was when their parents died. She finally made her decision.

“Okay Jack, stand up.” She held his hand and hugged him as if her whole life depended on it. Jack was all she has, and now once again, death will consume a loved one. Death has its ways of taking everyone she cared about. She is alone now.

End of flashback 

6 things you could have done (Short Story) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now