Chapter XI - Number 6

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Abby entered his room. She saw Lisa balling her eyes out. She hugged her and told her how things were going to be alright. How everything happens for a reason, and how Jack is in a better place.

She wanted to believe her, she really does. But she still can’t believe how the greatest love of my life is gone. He owned parts of her. Hell. He owned her. She knew he was the one the first time they met but she thought that it was stupid and not true. And now she realized that is the realest thing. He was her soul mate. Her everything.

If someone would ask her about what she liked most about him, she would tell them that: What I love most about him? I love his goals. I love how he is so passionate about things. I love how he enjoys talking about the things that he loves. When you would watch him do that, you would fall for the twinkle in his eyes. She loved the fact that he actually has real aspirations. He knew the person that he wanted himself to be. She loved the fact that he was real. That he took real risks and worked hard for his future even when all he has was himself and his sister.


They stayed in the room for about an hour, Abigail had offered her lunch but she insisted. She bid her a goodbye and prepared to get home.

“Goodbye Lisa! Thank you for coming over!” Abby shouted with a genuine smile plastered on her face.

She waved back.

The sun is shining brightly and flocks of birds are crossing over the sky. The weather is also a bit warmer than usual. She sighed. She has to cross the street to get to her car. How tiring. She thought. Her car was parked a bit far from the apartment for there were no parking spaces available earlier this morning. For the last time she waved at Abigail.

She crossed the street with her hand bag resting on her shoulder. She thought of what Abigail had told her earlier this day. It’s such a shame she thought. He’s gone now. She whispered. Until now she couldn’t believe it. How could I get through life without him?

It all happened too fast. A car that was driving at a fast speed had hit her. It felt like the whole world stopped. The car smashed into her in such way that her body was thrown against a streetlamp and the car rammed her with full frontal impact. Her face at the moment of this violent happening was a silent shock followed by an instant lifelessness.   So this is where it ends… She thought. Her last thoughts were still about him even when she was gasping for air. The people surrounding the accident were panicking, some were on their phones trying to call 911 but it was all too late. What a regular day indeed!

And with her last breath, she whispered “you could have been here…” and with that, she felt her whole world blacking out and vanishing in the process.


6 things you could have done (Short Story) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now