Chapter IX - Number 4

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November 30, 2010

1:43 am

The date was fantastic! I was good but she was fantastic! Luckily, I had not make a single mistake besides the fact that she threw up after we rode the rollercoaster but she laughed it off and told me that there is no need to worry. At that moment I swear, I liked her even more.

Honestly with her, I didn’t have to worry about anything. I felt happy. It was something that I haven’t felt for a very long time.

No matter how weird it sounds, I feel like I can do anything. I felt like a person that my parents would be proud of. The saying was true, that sometime in your life you would meet a person that would make you feel like you are worthy of everything, who would make you realize how lucky you are to be existing.

That’s what it felt like knowing her.

 4.   You could have told me this before you left.

That entry brought her to tears. She didn’t know that he felt like that. She thought that she was the only one who loved so recklessly. She didn’t know the exact reason why she was crying. It was a mixture of longing and happiness. If only she knew. She could have helped him; she could have spent that rest of his remaining days with her. But some things would not work out no matter how much you want them to. 

6 things you could have done (Short Story) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now