Nate, my only childhood friend

Start from the beginning

I nodded. "I'll go get some coke." I said.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed three cans of cokes. I sighed. Why do I suddenly felt tired? I had the sudden urge to crawl into my bed and sleep, but why?

I happily walked to the back porch. By the time I got there, Nate and dad were laughing, but not just any laugh, a very big honking laugh! A laugh I rarely see my dad do! There's got to some reason.

"And why are you laughing?" I asked, giving them a can of coke.

"Nothing." They said in unison.

I sighed. "Whatever. I'm going back to the beach, I think the halos right now is pretty perfect for this baby." I said, tapping my camera.

"Sure, be back soon!" dad said.

I smiled. "Sure."

I walked back to the taking a lot of pictures. There's the one I took when I saw a kid building a sand castle, the other one was a blondie on her surf board.

I took a lot of pictures in this beach for the first time, since it is my first time at this beach though. I walk around like I know this beach, but for the truth, I don't. Hehe. Then for the second time that day, I... I mean Jake followed me again.

"I thought you left." He said.

I smiled. "I thought I was in a rush." I said.

He nodded. "Want me to show you around?" he asked.

"Hell yeah!" I said, maybe to gleeful.

He smiled. Then he looked at the camera I was carrying the whole day. "I didn't notice you were a photogrpher." he said.

I bit my lip. "I'm an amateur. I'm going to take up Photography in college." I said.

He nodded. "May I see your pictures?" he asked.

I stared at him, "Why would you like to see them?" I asked.

"I like photos." he simply said.

I shrugged and gave him my camera. He looked at it, for I think was about five minutes or so.

"I like it. It's looking pro." he said.

I smiled. "Thanks." I said flatly.

He smiled. "Here we are," he proudly announced. "If you're looking for the view to takea picture, this could be it." he said, as he led me toward an incredible cave.

"This is amazing." I found myself saying.

"Always do." he said.

I quickly took pictures of every angle, pictures of every detail. It was sooooo amazing, I've never been in any place like this. This has opened a brand new territory to me.

"I could come here everyday and take picture without getting tired of this place." I mumbled.

He  smiled, "Time to get you home." he said.

I turned to him, "Thanks." I said.

"No prob. But I.. hey! Can I have your number?" he asked.

I bit my lip. "Sorry, but my camera and laptop is all the gadget I have." I said.

He smiled, "So I guess I'll see you around." he said.

He walked me home since it was already getting pretty dark, and I barely know this beach.

"Wanna grab some coke or something?" I offered.

"Umm.. No thanks, though." he said.

"Thanks again," I said.

Stolen Pictures Of HimWhere stories live. Discover now