"Oh, I'm definitely traumatized now."

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His lips were so close to mine and his breath even closer. Milion thoughts were jumping in my head. Is this wrong? But is it right? What is this actually? And just as I thought that he's going to do what I hoped and wished to do or not to, he slipped. He slipped and fell and I was standing there over him like a statue confused as fuck.

Holy shit. If this didn't happened I would have kissed Theo!? What is wrong with me.

I mean look at him. He falled asleep from punching his head. My poor drunk bestie. Exactly that. Only a best friend. A best friend who I hoped would kiss me. Why, why, why am I wanting this? I looked over at him and palmed my forehead. You should never, ever think about this Bella. Okay?

I picked up his relaxed body with a spell and levitated him to his bed. I took of his shirt, his body looked so good. STOP IT. And I covered him with a blanket. His lilac comfort blanket that he used since he was a child. I smiled at that thought, when we were practically babies playing together. And the fact that I wanted us to kiss earlier?! What is wrong with me?

My hand just went up by itself and combed his hair which made him open his eyes like he just came back from the dead. I flinched but I kept my hand there.

"What are you doing, love?" His sleepy-drunk voice echoed in the room.

"Just making sure you're okay." I said through little smile.

"I love how you always take care of me." He took my hand and kissed it.

Oh boy.

"Well when your irresponsibility makes me to." I rolled my eyes and he gave me one of his drunken smiles.

We were looking each other in the eyes again and I could feel it again, that same feeling I felt earlier on the stairs. And it made me scared. I couldn't possibly be in love with Theodore. I can't.
He was still holding my hand and that thing made me feel things. He was soo drunk, he probably wouldn't remember a thing tomorrow, I'm sure. So I lined in to give him a forehead kiss.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep now."

I stood up from the bed and walked towards the door but his hand interrupted me.

"Stay. At least until I fall asleep."

He gave me his drunk puppy eye look and I couldn't say no.


I took of my heels and just as I was about to lay down next to him, he interrupted me again.

"You gonna lay down in that?"

"Well, yeah." I said it somehow obviously.

He gave me a look and i sighted which earned me a smile from him. I went to his closet and took out the baggy shirt that I always wear and I changed. I took his fuzzy socks too and was ready for bed. At least until he's asleep.

I sat in the bed and covered myself with his blanket, he snuggled himself with me and in combed his curls while his head was on my chest. He was griping me hard like I was gonna disappear every second. I was waiting for him to fall asleep so I can sneak out but who was I lying, I didn't want to go.


We were so close to each other, I could feel his hardness against my pussy. His eyes were piercing mine and I swear to God I think I came right there. He lifted my left thigh and pushed himself inside me and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. He was doing it so fine. His curls were messy and his eyes shined like I've never seen them before. Our mouths danced together and he tugged my bottom lip making me moan a little. Theo chuckled by the sound I made and tugged my hair a bit while pushing inside me harder. I was stretched out but I didn't mind it at all, he felt so good it made my mind foggy. His lips were on my neck, giving me those sloppy open mouth kisses that made me so weak. And his hand wasn't helping either because it was now on my clit overstimulating it and I could feel my legs shaking so much. He was pushing himself faster and he looked like he was sculpted by Greek God's. What am I saying he looked like a Greek God himself. And just as I was about to come he–


I am insane. I am bloody insane. That's it I went absolutely crazy.

My heart was beating so hard I think I was having a heart attack. It took me a minute to calm down from both heartbeats. I turned around to look at Theo and he was sleeping, snuggled with some goddamn bear. I cannot believe I just dreamed that. For fucks sake. I just dreamed I fucked Theo. My Theo. Jesus Christ.

I stood up from the bed, grabbed all my clothes and disappeared from his room. On my way to my room I had to go through common room to go to the girls rooms. I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't realized that someone was fucking on the couch. Someone I knew very well, someone who's hair shines as hard as sun, someone as in – Draco. I couldn't see the person underneath him and I didn't want to because I disappeared from there in a lightspeed.

Why is everyone traumatizing me with sex tonight, first my stupid subconsciousness then Draco and his mystery person. I feel like throwing up.

It was probably around 6 in the morning and thankfully no one was up – considering that everyone was either drunk or fucking or passed out for good because of the party, only my idiot self was wandering the common room trying to get sex scenes out of my mind.

And sleeping wasn't helping either, because everytime i closed my eyes I saw myself with Theo in that dream and I would instantly open them. Why did I had to dream that? Why tonight out of all nights? Why?

I realized that I probably wouldn't get any sleep like this so I got up, made myself look presentable – not stinky and not drunkish – picked up Groot and went to a place where I know I will always be welcome – the kitchen!

Elves were already making breakfast and the kitchen quarters smelled amazing. Pinky welcomed me with a big smile and hugged me and Groot. They gave him some meat while I got some waffles – my favorite. The elves were always so nice to me, well to literally everyone – even those mean people. And they definitely didn't deserve them. No one did. They were an extraordinary creatures who definitely deserved everything they wanted.

After my very delicious breakfast, Tinky made me hot chocolate and I stayed there with them chatting until I felt myself finally getting tired enough to sleep without thinking of my dream. But I didn't felt like sleeping alone, and I couldn't go to Theo for obvious reasons so I went to a person who is and always will be my comfort person – Luna Lovegood.

Ravenclaw common room looked absolutely stunning in the morning – even though night was always better here because you could see the whole sky and all constellations, meteor showers looked even better here – it had that nice glow. I made my way with Groot all the way upstairs to my dearest friend. When I opened the door she was lightly snoring, cuddled up with a lot of stuffed animals around her, and her bright pink puffskein was sleeping on top of all that, matching her light snores.

I laid down next to her, a bit away from all the plushies, with Groot by my side and I could already feel myself falling asleep. I loved how I could turn up to sleep with her everytime I wanted and I didn't even need to wake her up, she told me I was always welcomed here and it obviously meant the same for her. She seriously was one of the most amazing people I've ever known. She has such a pure heart and absolutely love everything about her. She's my little sunshine.

She turned around shifting the weight on the bed, together with her fortress of stuffed animals and all of us four felled asleep as fast as the sun was coming out, comfy and feeling like home.

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