"This is so exciting"

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"You think she's alive, mate?"

"She has to be, it's Bella for God's sake."

"Oh look, she's moving."

I heard muffled voices around me and a huge pain in my back. I opened my eyes and looked at a small milion of people in front of me.

"Oh thank God."

I seated up trying to understand what the fuck is going on here, there were Slytherins and Gryffindors around me still in their Quidditch robes and some other students from all the houses. I looked at Fred and George next to me who were holding their hearts and looked like they saw a ghost.

"Oh thank Merlin you're okay, we were so worried." George said looking relieved.

"Oh you better thank Merlin because if I died I would definitely follow your arses around as a ghost." Now I remembered how they almost murdered me.

"We are so, so sorry Bella. We just tried to win, why the hell did you jumped of your broom?" Fred asked with concern in his voice.

"Bludger would have killed me if I didn't, obviously."

I remember now. Just before I putted myself to sleep in a very stupid way I scored a point with my broom, then i jumped off of it but the Bludger hit one end and the other end punched my head and I felt down.

I realized we won. Thanks to Pansy's shriek due to my dramatic falling, everyone's attention was on me and Draco's sneaky arse used that opportunity to catch the snitch. We won 320 - 160. Which means I won my bet with the twins.

The bet was really, really stupid tho. Few days earlier George came up to me with this idea. 'Look, how about we make a little bet' and I said 'Sure, why not?', then Fred joined and said 'How about if we win the match you kiss Theo and if we win choose whatever you want' I stupidly agreed. Thank God I won because if I didn't then I don't know how I would kiss Theo.

Speaking of him, he was next to my bed holding my hand. Madam Pomfrey said that I can leave the Hospital in 2 hours when my medical potion will be done with its healing process. He accompanied me together with the rest of our friend group. They were retelling me the stories of my fall while I was plotting the dare for the twins.

And at the end of my '2 hour Hospital break'  I came up with the perfect dare for the them.

I went to my room to take a shower and dress up for dinner which was pretty soon. Thankfully I didn't break anything, but thankfully didn't lost the bet because if i did i don't know what I would do. I picked up some comfy but cute outfit and went to dinner all by myself.

The second I stepped inside the Great Hall all eyes were on me. 'Are you okay',  'Congratulations on the win', 'You really felled down hard', were just some of the
sentences I've heard. I had to wiggle out of their hands to seat down with my own friends.

"There she is." Daphne and Astoria runned to me, trapping me in a hug.

"I'm. Fine. Guys. Now. Can. You. Stop. Squeezing. The. Air. Out. Off. My. Lungs."

"Oops. I'm sorry." They left me and I finally took a nice breath.

"Are you sure you're okay, oh I feel terrible." Tori blurted out.

"Why do you feel terrible, it's not like it's your fault." I asked rubbing her shoulder in reassurance.

I heard something under her breath like 'Yeah, about that' but I chosed to ignore because I probably just imagined it.

I sat next to Theo ready to eat everything possible on the table but my hair was getting way to much in the way. I tried to pick it up with my hand but it was worthless.

Theo tooked of something off his wrist.


I looked at his hand and saw a hair tie. A simple thin, black hair tie that was a second ago on Theo's wrist.

"T-Thank you."

I was staring at him like I saw a ghost mesmerized by the fact that he wore a hair tie on his wrist just in case I needed it.

He smiled at me, his eyes crinkling by the sides and moved on with his dinner.

God, he just suprises me more, day by day. How did he ended up this perfect? Dad was really right sometimes.

I looked at Pansy wide-eyed but she was to busy stuffing her nose into pudding. Great job Pan, once in my lifetime i want you to look at me and Theo and you are eating. For fucks sake.

I was still taken up by his sweet self that it took me 5 minutes to finally start eating.

After one very delicious dinner we all stood up and Dumbledore used magic to put the tables around the cup. We all sat down impatiently waiting.

"This is so exciting." He squealed like a child and went towards the cup to pick out the competitors.

The first one's were from year 5 so I barely listened. I only heard Ginny' name and I clapped in excitement for her.

After about 10-15 minutes it was time for us 6th years. The parchment flew out of the cup, blue fire surrounding it, right into Dumbledore's hand.

"For Gryffindor: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Dean Thomas, Parvati Patil and Ronald Weasley." They stood up from their seats and walked towards Dumbledore while we all clapped.

"For Hufflepuff: Oliver Rivers, Justin Finch-Flitchley, Gary Thomas, Sally Smith and Hannah Abbot." They stood up too and we all loudly cheered.

"For Ravenclaw: Lisa Turpin, Padma Patil, Mandy Brocklehurst, Mati Patel and Sue Li." Dumbledore smiled looking at them and then the next parchment flew into his hand.

"And finally for Slytherin: Isabella Greengrass, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis."

I looked around my friends so excited for this competition and we all walked towards Dumbledore.

"Well done students, well done. I do believe you are going to make excellent marks in this tournament and one, well two of you will make our school very proud at the end of the year."

He stood in between Ron and Draco and hugged their awkward-standing bodies.

"Now go and get some rest because you will work hard for this."

He dismissed the students and us competitors went towards this huge parchment to write our names and some details. Half an hour later we finished and went to our common rooms.

"I'm so thrilled for this."

"Same Daph, I can't believe we both got into the competition."

Daphne and I side hugged and walked the rest of the path to the dungeons very excited for this new chapter.

one's promisedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن