The Duel Club

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"I feel awful, you guys."

Astoria was pacing around the Gryffindor common room, talking with twins and the Slytherin group, without Isabella and Theodore. They were talking about recent happenings, how they made a perfect plan, and how Bella almost broke something falling off her broom. It was partly her fault, the fact that she jumped off of her broom but still they were very much worried.

"Why, Tori?" George questioned looking at her, "If it is anyone's fault, it's merely ours and partly hers." He pointed at himself and his twin.

"I know, but still, it was me who suggested the stupid dare." Astoria sat next to the twins, worry written all over her face. Fred gave her a reassuring side hug.

"By the way, what did she choose for your dare, since you guys lost?" Pansy asked shifting her attention to the group.

"Oh Pan, trust me, you don't wanna know." Fred chuckled shaking his head.

Meanwhile, in the corner, far in the library were them, Bella and Theo, sitting on a velvet couch, reading. Each one their own book, Bella's legs on top of Theo's, he was caressing her thigh while reading, not even realizing it. But it looked normal to them, they were too immersed in the story to see it. While Bella was deeply lost in her book Theo's mind wandered, how her eyes were shining while she read, how wide they got while she would read something interesting–he supposed, how little strands of her hair framed her face occasionally falling into her eyes, and how she had to blow them away with her breath. How every time she did that her mouth slightly parted and how she bit her bottom lip lost in the world on a paper. Jesus, Theodore stop yourself she's your best mate for fucks sake. She looked at him with those same bright eyes that were second ago looking at the page and he lost it.

"W-What?" Theo asked voice croaked from the previous thoughts.

"I said," Bella chuckled, "would you like to go to the dinner with me, it's time."

"Oh that, yeah sure." he blurted out grabbing her legs and standing up giving her a hand. Isabella smiled at her friend wondering what got him in a chokehold. 

When they got inside the Great Hall it was already crowded so they sat at their usual place. Most of the students from their year were practicing potions due to the soon-to-be big day. They never knew when will Snape make them make that complex potion which will earn them Felix Felicis. And they sure as hell needed it. Who knows how hard will the competition be? 

Food appeared on the table and they all dug in, hungry as wolves. But something interrupted everyone's attention, the music was coming from behind the closed door of the Great Hall, and Bella sure as hell knew what was about to happen.

There they were, the famous mischievous twins in the claws of Isabella fucking Greengrass. She smirked ready for the show to begin, and it was hilarious. Weasley twins got inside the hall, Lee holding the speaker and a song playing. What was funny about their dare was not just the song, which was dirty as hell, but the fact that the twins had to dance to it in the middle of the Great Hall. Minerva palm-slapped herself, secretly laughing at the boys, Snape was horrified as ever while Dumbledore weirdly enjoyed and clapped. Bella was filming and laughing like crazy. At one point Fred jumped and Georges back and started dancing like that. It was hilarious.

Pansy nudged Draco, "So this is the dare?" She asked him wide-eyed and he nodded. 

After an interesting but in some parts disturbing show, people kept eating while twins got cheers and applauds. Isabella approached them, a huge smile written all over her face. 

"So," she dragged looking at them, "did you learn your lesson?"

"Oh really?" Fred asked, "And what lesson Bells?", George added.

Isabella smirked, "Never mess with me."


One day before the big Halloween party everyone was rushing. Ghosts were excited, students were decorating every bit of the castle, and somewhere deep in the dungeons competitor were practicing one of the most exciting sports: Duelling. Professor Flitwick rumored to be a champion duellist, was with Professor McGonagal by his side an extraordinary witch as well, waiting for the 6-year competitors to come to their dueling quarters.

Students fastly crowded the room and stood around a huge rectangle platform looking at the two professors. McGonagal on one and Flitwick on the other side. McGonagal shushed the group and started talking about the rules and challenges of the duel.

"Welcome Dear students," she looked around the room with her caring eyes, "today me and professor Flitwick will show you the pros and cons of the duelling. There are rules for dueling, firstly opponents bow to each other, wand in front of your faces, turn around and walk ten steps away from your opponent. And then you duel. In the formal duel, duellists would often have a 'second', usually a trusted ally, but you won't be needing one." She walked on the platform to her formal place, at the end of the platform. "Now, we are going to show you how to duel and remember, no physical contact!"

McGonagal and Flitwick bowed to each other and walked ten steps away from one another, wands in front of their faces. You usually wouldn't expect it, but McGonagal was the first one to strike with a simple "Rictusempra", but Proffesor Flitwick dogged it pretty well with a "Reducto". Students looked at them in awe, as powerful as McGonagal was, Flitwick was sneaky and a really smart Ravenclaw, no matter his height.
The Duel went on and on, but what got McGonagal to win was a "Stupefy", a little stunner spell that got Flitwick to fly all across the room on a pillow that was conjured there. Some students clapped, some were laughing, but they all were excited to try it themselves.

"Thank you Professor Flitwick for this incredible dueling, but now it is time for the competitors to try it themselves. I will pick a few students who will try and the rest will do it the next time we meet up. Now please step forward the first couple, Mister Potter and Miss Davis, then Mister Nott and Mister Thomas and finally Miss Clearwater and Miss Granger."

The chosen students stepped on the platform and prepared for the dueling while the others were watching excited, Mcgonagall was giving them instructions, very proud of how fast they were learning, after all they were her students.

After some long time practicing and learning the spells, students were tired and ready for dinner. The whole castle was decorated in Halloween decorations and the Weasley's were pranking people now more than ever.
Poor Filch was filled with blisters all over his face, little did he know that that was just the beginning.


I know, I know, this is just a filler chapter the next one will be exciting just wait :).

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