chapter 16

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Hahaha!I gotta stop laughin' so hard my stomach hurts, but you have to agree Lucifer is really old haha! Mammon laughs suddenly Lucifer pops out form behind the demon...
YOU THINK? Lucifer smiles creepily putting a hand on Mammons shoulder..
Ow..HEY! what's the big idea?ya didn't have to hit me so hard...
He's so stupid it's almost sad?Asmo says with a petty face speaking about his brother...
Mm I can't believe his our brother? it's like being punished?
Ah?! I heard about what happened yesterday Hoshi? apparently you outsmarted a certain dimwit demon into making a pact with you...
Your opinion may have been stupid, but even so you have just arrived and in a short time as well?! well done...I imagine Diavolo would be happy to hear....
....Hey ya human thing it's time to go. Mammon takes a hold of my wrist pulling me...

Really whats with that guy?he can't even go a minute without talking about Diavolo?!
If Diavolo told ya to jump off a cliff would ya do that!? Mammon Huffs mad at how his brothers were talking about him...
... but Diavolo wouldn't tell me to do something like that?
Anyway!ever since you got here it's been nothing but trouble for me!...
S-sorry... I didn't mean to cos trouble... I feel sorry for getting him in trouble...
His eyes shot open shocked at my apologize...
L-Lets get something straight,I...I didn't make this pact cos I wanted to!
So if something happens don't blame me cos I don't give a damn!
Can you at least call me by my name?I try asking him to stop calling me"Human thing"it hurts every time he says it....
Hmm sounds like you're starting to learn some manners.he smirked looking at me.
Well you did ask nicely, I guess I could?
Pfaff haha!did ya really think that would work! Haha..I could feel my smile drop as he laughed at me"why did Dad do this...."
"Why can't I be normal"

You really you aren't even 100% human!
Tsk don't make me laugh, you expect me to call you by name? maybe in another million years!he laughed again,I could feel tears building up in my eyes.i just trun my head down trying to ignore them...
You'd better learn ya place, keep saying stuff like that and I'll definitely make you my next meal...
Eh! what's wrong?
HUH! WHAT DID YA DO!?is it the pact?
I walked off a bit before letting go... I didn't want to talk to him right now...

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