Chapter 3

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(Ep 2)

(Yui's pov)

Opening my eyes I see a unfamiliar pink room,*gasp*I remember all most getting bitting,I check my neck for any bits but luckily none..
Thank goodness, I haven't been bitten I sigh looking down... BUT! I don't remember CHANGING! Closing my eyes looking back on what happened...

Sigh... how did this happen?,I need to contact father ,a random picture popped up in my head of the diary, what was that about father, please come home soon,I shut my eyes tight...

Crying won't help you, little bitch,I look up to see Laito sitting at the bottom of the bed, you look pretty sexy in that nightgown ,and you give off such a delicious aroma.....are you trying to come on to me,he asks moving to wards me smiling... little bitch?

Don't touch what belongs to yours truly without permission Ayato says pushing Laito off...
Ayato, don't be so rough!Laito whined to his older brother,shut up she's mine,Ayato shot back.
Please stop this!I shout.
Everyone you'll be late,shit Ayato muttered truning around to look at Reiji.

Not you again Reiji..
But I was having fun...both Ayato and Laito whined..
You also need to get changed,he planly says, changed? I asked confused,are we going somewhere?...
Isn't it obvious? You're going to school,he answered my question...
School?so late I ask more confused as before, How obtuse can you be?do you need every little thing explained to you?
You're going to night school,he said sighing.

Dough it's in the name silly! A voice I now so well speeks up popping their heads in the door.

(Hoshi pov)
(Outfit Hoshi's wearing sorry it's a little rushed, she wears the same school shoes will probably change)

(Hoshi pov)(Outfit Hoshi's wearing sorry it's a little rushed, she wears the same school shoes will probably change)

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(Hoshi's school clothes)

The one and only!I cheer with a smile.
What do you think you're wearing?Reiji asked angry looking at what I was wearing.
Clothes dough!I say jokingly, I didn't like
the other uniform I smile.
He just sighs I made it clear that I wasn't going to listen to them when Yui was a sleep..

He turns back to Yui,as long as you reside in the sagamaki home, you must adjust to our life style,he turns to leave but stops.
But...Yui tryyed to speak
If you have a complaint you can leave anytime
But you said if I try to escape I'll die Yui muttered...

(Sorry for the short chapter but I going on a food break 😂)

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