Chapter 7

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(Ep 5)

(Hoshi's pov)

I was standing outside in the garden with Yui, she seems really down lately but she won't tell me why?
Yui, Hoshi.... I'd like you to pick up those roses and follow me,i don't like being kept waiting...
Yui picks up the flowers as we follow Kanato... after walking awhile we see graveyard?...
What are we doing here?Yui asked Kanato why he would bring us to a place like this...
Graves are so deeply dark and full of smell of death,I think there great, don't you?Kanato asked...
I love graves, there so cold and quite, and indifferent to Kanato spoke I couldn't help but think of the people of the cult... and the small graveyard of their own I made...
My mother lies here.
Your mother passed away?...
I killed her..I looked at him shocked yet a part of me felt relieved that I wasn't the only one to do such a thing to there own flesh and blood....
Would you believe that?it hardly matters, Right Teddy?
Please place the roses there...
Um sure...Yui places the roses,well we will be going know...
You are really self-serving,I especially invited you here, but you leave the moment it displeases you?
Kanato picked up the flowers smashing them on the grave.....
S-STOP IT!Yui shout's trying to make him stop... before I know it Kanato begins to shout and yell at Yui Kanato walks close to Yui but I quickly step in the middle of the both of them...
Yui you should leave...I spoke coldly..
No buts go back..I give her a smile to tell her that everything is going to be all right...Yui quickly runs back leaving me with Kanato...

What do you think your doing! Kanato shout's in my ear making me jump a bit slipping in the mud under me makeing me yelp...Oof-i hit the floor making the air nock out of me... Kanato starts to laugh...
You should see how pathetic you look!
Now crawl around some more well don't you!he Lough's at me I could only feel anger as use my powers to push Kanato to the muddy floor as well...
HOW DO YOU LIKE IT!I shout pouting as I feel my cheeks turning red...he glares at me before making his way other to me
how dare you push me like that!you should learn your place! pushing me down harder onto the ground getting on top of me,I try to push him but he quickly grabs my arms pushing them above my head tarping my legs with his show I couldn't move...
Kanato!?I shouted confused as why he was on top of me...he goes to bit me as I try to use my power he stops and speeks...
I forgot women aren't given a kiss before being pleasured?do they become anger?
Kissed? being pleasured? what was he talking about?
Um? Kanato what's a kiss?I asked confused what only made him giggle moving his legs so he was sitting on my stomach...
Hmm how about I show you and in return I get to bit you?
He leans down pressing his cold lips to mine after a couple of minutes I feel him lick my bottom lip...he pulls away before speaking..
Open your mouth a little...he asked leaning back down doing as told he puts his tongue in my mouth moving it around I didn't like it,it was hard to breath and it made me feel odd I push my head to the side making him stop we both pant...
D-do you not like it?
It feels wired I didn't like it at all!it made my stomach feel odd and yucky!?
Fine but you made a deal so I get to drink your blood...
He leans down biting into my neck painfully...

(Kanato's pov)

After drinking Hoshi's blood before going back to my room thinking and the kiss...or kisses? this time it made me feel warm and fuzzy like I didn't want to stop...her lips were so sweet,I felt dispointed when she made me stop... when she said she didn't like it it made me hurt?....

(Hoshi's pov)

Walking back to the house tried and sleepy....I really want some sweets right know....i feel someone standing behind me turning around I see a tall figure before everything goes black....

(love interest)

Shu sakamaki (unlocked)

Kanato sakamaki (unlocked)

Unknown (locked)

Unknown (locked)

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