Wearing Down

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Rok Soo is tired.

He's been acting out as someone else 24/7 nonstop, and it's wearing him down in the worst way.

If ever he accidentally let Cale hear of his current thoughts, perhaps that poor lad would have another mental breakdown from the discouragement.

Which is why he has decided to get even more drastic in his attempts.

'I'm going to feign a comatose'

Rok Soo told the other redhead on one random fine day, nearly making the poor lad get all choked up from the sudden news.

{Excuse me... qué???}


Rok Soo innocently asked back.

'It's been nearly a month I've been here, and your family seems to be slow on catching signs even though I've literally mentioned how I feel like dying. Don't you think that we should spice things up?'

{...By faking being in a Coma?}

Rok Soo internally smiled.

{Would that even work? I mean... Park Dong-Yeon was caught in the act by Dr. Kang— and yet, we have fucking Eruhaben on this side.}

That Transmigator feels silly to admit such a thing, however, he felt a tingling sense of pride when Cale mentioned the gold dragon's name without stuttering anymore.

It's such a minor detail, but Rok Soo felt like his patience in guiding Cale back to rediscovering himself, actually paid well off.

'I mean, Eruhaben is just a dragon'

Cale seems to be blinking in disbelief upon that statement Rok Soo seems to be carelessly mentioned.

{JUST a dragon? The fuck??? Isn't it because he IS an ancient dragon that we need to be alerted of him?}

Rok Soo nearly chuckled on the surface before he then calmly replied to the confused punk.

'Cale. My backing is literally a God.'

He's not proud of it, really.

But if that bastard of God is using his name for a practical joke or so, might as well put the said fucker to good use and make him work for him, right?

'I am currently a Saint of THE God of Death. The God of Eternal Sleep. So, unless his name is nothing but a fucking display, SUPPOSEDLY such a great God can help his own Saint regarding the matter, right?'

Rok Soo's words are dripping with thick sarcasm that Cale couldn't help but sweatdropped at.

That being said, the younger redhead was not expecting God of Death to actually answer such an obnoxious call.

{Of course, I can do that much! What are you taking me for? I can even feign your death as I did to your dongsaeng if you wanted!}

Rok Soo's pale, yet still beautiful face, nearly split into a manic grin as he heard of that voice trying to brag to him in front of Cale who's whistling lowly on the side, mildly surprised that his counterpart was actually speaking the truth.

{Oh, damn. So you were not talking bullshit after all.}

He had thought that Rok Soo was joking with him about being a Saint. After all, this motherfucking God has been aiming for him to take on that position as well, and he remembered vividly how he had been cursing the shitty God's name in front of Cage.

{Hey! What do you mean by bullshi—}

'It's a long story. You ain't gonna hear it from me right now'

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