Fever Dream

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The next time he's awake, Rok Soo couldn't tell whether it's day or night, though none of that matters since his next plan doesn't require opening his eyes and interact with others.

His fuzzy mind can barely function at the moment due to the fever he's supporting, but thankfully, he has Cale who reminded him on what he was planning to do as soon he's conscious.

'Well, on the good side, that punk sounded much better than before'

Cale still sounded timid, but for someone who just experienced a panic attack that severe, Rok Soo was glad that his counterpart even able to speak at all.

'Me too...'

Rok Soo also have to do his part right, so that Cale could be freed from this toxic environment as soon as possible.

And so, Rok Soo opened his mouth, barely, as he mumbled the words he needed to be said-

"...uncle... I-I'm sorry..."

He mumbled with his breath caught in a hitch before then letting out a soft whimper of-

"P-Please stop..."

An expert might be able to tell that he's awake from his breathing pattern.

However, he's sick now, so his breathing pattern and heartbeat is all fucked up by nature, and who would be able to see cleanly when is he awake and when he's sleeping if he fell back asleep after murmuring so?

Ignoring all the calls and the pats he's having on his body, Rok Soo relaxed his body once more to get some of those much needed sleep until the next time he needed to play victim...


Well, it turns out, 'next time' comes faster than not as a professional human doctor finally come to examine him per Alberu's direct order.

'Would this doctor be good enough to know that this body is all fucked up mainly because of its eating disorder?'

Not wanting such result to came up, Rok Soo was being stubborn throughout in his examination and only showed some signs of resignation once some people comes into view.

Thankfully, the doctor ended up being in his favor and said:


Rok Soo tensed up upon hearing that word as if he was scared to hear the continuation of that.

However, just as he has predicted, the others seemed to get even more intrigued after seeing his subtle response.


Alberu commanded.

"The young master Cale seems to have fallen ill from the amount of stress that's getting hi-"

"That's not true!"

That redhead yelled out as if in denial while the doctor couldn't help but glanced at him with pity.

"Go on"

Once again, the future king of Roan Kingdom demanded, to which the doctor easily agreed to as it is his job that's on the line.

"There are some obvious signs on him, like-......."

The more he talks, the harder Rok Soo bit his lip until Hong later noticed that he's bleeding.


Upon the call, however, Those pair of Reddish-brown stared at golden orbs with sorrow.

"I... I've done everything you wanted me. I've been good and obedient... please... don't gag me up anymore... my wrists are sore... my head hurts... my heart hurts... if you don't want to set me free... just kill me already..."

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