My Dear Old Friend

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Chapter 13

As it turned out, all Angeletta really needed was a little sun and fresh air. The more Christine took Gustave and the small child out, the less she cried. Christine had been wrong for keeping the poor thing cooped up all day. Perhaps, she wasn't all Erik. Gustave started to adore little Angeletta once she got over her screaming spells. Gustave liked to sit her in his lap and play piano for her. Angeletta would study his fingers and touch the keys as if she was trying to copy Gustave's movements.

"Papa taught me," Gustave would tell her. "Perhaps he will teach you too."

Christine was relieved that Gustave had become so attached to his baby sister. The fact that he spent so much time with her gave Christine some relief to do chores around the house and get some rest in. Erik seemed to be blissfully happy about the way the season was going, and he was always in a good mood when he came home every day. Life seemed to be going smoothly for once in their lives.

Christine was making supper as Erik read the newspaper one night. Gustave was playing in the floor with little Angeletta Rose. Christine smiled as their now one year old daughter giggled at Gustave's funny faces.

"Would you look at that?" Erik said pointing to an article. "Phantasma is now considered the eighth wonder of the world for its light displays, outstanding rides, exotic foods, and outrageous entertainment." He chuckled as he read the opening of the article to Christine.

She gave him a light peck on the cheek. "That's wonderful, dear! I'm so happy for you. I knew you could do it."

Erik set the news down and leaned back in his chair. "Of course," he said, "everyone is wondering when the beautiful Christine Daaé is to return to the stage."

Christine sighed as she continued her cooking. "I suppose you're wondering that yourself aren't you?" she asked Erik.

"I do miss hearing you sing," he replied.

"Oh, I do too, Mother!" Gustave suddenly exclaimed from the sitting area. "So does Lotte. She was just telling me the other day how she wished that she could hear you sing again. It's been a little over a year now since we've heard you."

"Erik, darling," she said, "I can't just drop everything at eight every night to perform. There's things that need to be done around here, and who would take care of Angeletta?"

Gustave came running into the kitchen carrying his little sister on his hip. "Papa and I could watch her. She could sit in the box with us, and if she ever gets out of hand, I can take her outside. Oh, please Mother, I miss seeing you perform. You always look so happy when you stand out there on the stage."

Christine smiled at her children and then back at Erik who was pouting his lip. Gustave copied his father's expression. The older Gustave got, the more he looked like Erik. Christine couldn't help but give in. "Alright, I'll do it," she said, "but both of you have to promise me that you'll keep Angeletta Rose in check."

Gustave nodded vigorously, and Erik stood up to take Christine in his arms and spin her around. Christine giggled he spun in circles.

"Oh, I get to compose for my Angel of Music once more!" Erik exclaimed. He planted a firm kiss on her lips, and Gustave smiled. Christine noticed him and raised an eyebrow.

"You used to complain and cry that kissing was gross when your father did that," she pointed out.

Gustave shrugged. "That's a little kid's thing," he said. "I'm twelve now. I'm practically grown up, and kissing is a grown up thing. I'll learn to get used to it."

Erik chuckled. "My, you are becoming quite the young man aren't you?" he teased.

Gustave blushed and smiled up at his father. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

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