New Blessings and Worries

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Chapter 10

The rest of the summer flew by before Christine could even blink. Before she even knew it, she was enrolling Gustave in a local school, and Erik was getting ready to close the park before the weather grew too cold. She liked the idea of him being able to spend his time at home. He would have to spend quite a bit of time composing new music for next season's shows, but it would be nice to have him home with her even if his time was consumed by the music. He was beginning to stress himself out. As it got closer to closing day, more and more people came to the park which meant more and more ride break downs and scratches in the theatre's wood. Needless to say, Dr. Gangle had invested in a stock of the cleaner he used to polish up the scratches with. Erik never missed the slightest change in his park's appearance.

Gustave had gained quite a loyal friend in Lotte. Christine would take him to play with her in the evenings after supper. It gave him a chance to run around and play, and it allowed Erik and Christine some fresh air and time alone. Lotte never failed to meet Gustave in the exact same place every night. She had every bit of as much energy as Gustave had. Erik had to admit that he was quite thankful for that. As much as he loved his son, wrestling in the living room floor was beginning to do a number on his back, and he had ridden the roller coaster more times than he could count. He really should have told Gustave that enough was enough on the father-son battles they hashed out in the floor, but he couldn't refuse his son anything. Christine loved to watch Erik and Gustave play. Raoul never played with Gustave like that. It would normally start out playing with a little toy train or teddy bear and end in Erik having Gustave pinned to the floor tickling his son's sides. Christine must admit that she always had a fear of the day when Erik lost his patience with Gustave, but that day never seemed to come. Erik did have to reprimand him once or twice about going through his father's belongings, but Erik never raised his voice, much less his hand, to Gustave. He would simply sit Gustave on his knee and tell him why he shouldn't do such things, and Gustave listened intently making mental notes never to do them again.

On the last night before the park closed, Christine had performed, and Erik took Gustave and little Lotte to see her sing. The three of them sat in box five listening to her voice. Erik watched her with intense eyes. He had returned to his old ways. He was once again her tutor. He rolled his eyes as she returned to her old habit of slouching her shoulders as she sang. That was not to say that he didn't adore her voice when she sang. He was just a stickler when it came to posture. Gustave had closed his eyes to listen to his mother's voice as intensely as he possibly could. Lotte, however, was completely mesmerized by Christine. She looked at Christine's white satin gown as it floated when she walked. Her voice seemed to soar through the air like a bird in flight.

Lotte leaned over and whispered in Gustave's ear, "I want to sing like her."

Gustave smiled at her. "I want to sing like her too. Papa taught her. Maybe he can teach us too."

Lotte nodded as Christine's final note rang through the theatre and the audience rose to its feet. Erik pulled the children behind him to meet Christine in her dressing room.

She met him at the door and pulled Erik in a kiss. Gustave wrinkled his nose at the sight and Lotte sighed as she daydreamed of what it must be like to have a prince to call her own. Too bad I'll never fall in love, she thought, too bad I'm a freak.

"Beautiful as always, darling," he said, "But please stand up straight. Don't slouch. I taught you better than that."

She rolled her eyes at him and went behind the room divider to change into her regular dress.

"Was that an eye roll?" asked Erik. "I'm just trying to help you improve."

Christine smiled at him. "It's nothing you haven't said before, darling."

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