Chapter Fifty Six

Start from the beginning

He then washed off the space where I had put everything together before deciding I'd make a large charcuterie board for all of us to have a snack supper of sorts, which would be odd to everyone else but then again when you eat restaurant grade food all the time occasionally you need something to mellow it out a bit.

Though we all know caviar, oysters, and truffles are a no go for a meal.

He then pulled open my fridge which held all manner of items that remained organized at all times, before collecting what I needed.

"Adrian what are you making?" Kate asks as I start slicing pieces of sausage, along with various cheeses, meats, and vegetables paired with crackers.

"I'm making a charcuterie board Katelyn" he muses as he moves onto setting everything.

"Are you going to make one for deserts?" Mia asks peering over the back of the couch.

"You're all going to make me cook all night aren't you?" he puzzles looking up at all of them.

"No but snack supper isn't complete without snack dessert" I point out and he laughs.

"Someone better make me a drink because I will not do all of this completely dehydrated" he says, returning to his work.

"What kind of drink Adrian?" Hunter asks looking over at his friend.

"I'm thinking a White Russian Ambrose" he replies rolling the meat neatly and stacking them before washing his hands while Hunter started making Adrian's drink along with helping himself to the liquor cabinet.

As he started on the desserts, the oven beeped alerting us to our nachos being done cooking.

Adrian then pulled all eight out and slid them onto the counter, before looking up at everyone.

"No one touch those they will be hot enough to burn the fuck out of your hand and mouth" he warns before returning to the display.

An hour later he finished everything and the porcelain semi bowl shaped plates were cooled off enough for everyone to take theirs, Adrian also set out plates which were quickly filled and somehow even with eight people taking from the large wooden boards he had used the charcuterie's stayed decently covered by what had been laid out.

"Feel free to go back for seconds" Adrian says walking back to the couch where the both of us had been lying before everyone else arrived.

I then got an idea and looked around the room at all of them, though Kate, and Nico seemed to almost by some sixth sense know I was about to speak.

"We could use the cinema in the basement it would be better suited for watching a movie if that's what we're going to do" I muse and everyone seems to agree before we all walk downstairs before walking through the billiards room, mini bar, and down a hallway to a pair of double doors that went into the theatre that was actually built next to the garage so if anyone managed to get through the hallway wall they'd get into the garage ramp.

We all then sat down on the large reclining sofa's before the girls cycled through movies until settling on one that Mia had recently found but hadn't watched yet.

So there we all sat in the cinema watching the movie. Though each couple had effectively taken up a part of the eight large L shaped sofas, all of which were built into a declining floor to feel like an actual theatre.

Within the first hour however I had fallen asleep against Adrian's chest though I had been smart and put my empty plate on the side table, which actually seemed to have happened to everyone, Hunter and Riley had also shown how much like grown up babies they could be in the sense that they both were asleep against their girlfriends within ten minutes. Nico and Kate I would guess were at least semi asleep.

I then woke up to the motion of Adrian shifting and barely opened my eyes.

"Nico, you and Kate are in charge, I'm putting Olivia in bed, then I'll probably follow suit as well" Adrian says standing lying me down, before rubbing his fatigued eyes.

"Alright, we'll help get the idiots to a guest bedroom".

"That shouldn't be hard there's sixteen in this house" Adrian laughs before picking me up and carrying me out of the theatre bridal style, making sure that his footsteps were as quiet as possible until we got to our bedroom and set me under the covers, before tucking me in.

I then watched him discard discard his clothing and walk into the bathroom disappearing to have his nightly shower before walking out of the bathroom to our massive bed that he carefully slid under the covers of along with flipping his pillow over and relaxed into it with a sigh.

Softly smiling I scooted closer to him seeking warmth and after a moment I felt him wrap an arm around my waist before sleep consumed the both of us.


Today's update everyone I hope you all enjoy it also comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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