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As Bella and I finished up school, I was spending more and more time with Jacob, which meant less and less time with my sister and her boyfriend. on the day before Bella's graduation, she requested that I come to the Cullens' house to help set up for the party. without Jacob, of course.

on the ride to Edwards' families house, she asked how Jake and I were doing.

"I haven't seen you smile so much in... ever," she joked cynically, sticking one arm out the window as she drove the truck with the other. her long brown hair was tossed around by the humid wind. 

I shrugged, blushing a bit. "he's really kind of special," I admitted, a little embarrassed. she smiled at me.

"I'm really happy for you, ada," she said honestly with a twinge of sadness in her face. "I was really afraid for you for a while."

I nodded, looking out the window as we passed by a diner, a shopping center and a used car lot. "yeah," I said quietly. I tried to ignore the pink, purple and white scars on my thighs peeking out from under my black soffee shorts. I, mostly unapologetically, wore weather-appropriate clothes now, unwilling to suffer in the heat for someone else's comfort. it was beginning to bother me less and less, the looks I'd get from others. they could just fuck off. I could just ignore their looks of sympathy or judgement. I'd been through enough. 

"so, I kind of... have some news for you," she said, biting back the excitement that was building. 

I looked over at her. "are you pregnant?"

"no," she laughed, rolling her eyes. "any other guesses?" 

"hmm..." I pondered the options. "is Edward pregnant?"

"very funny, asshole," she sighed, shaking her head. "Edward proposed," she said, then showed me her hand. how I didn't notice the ring, I have no idea. 

"oh, shit, that's gorgeous," I said, staring as she steered the car. "it looks really vintage."

she nodded. "it was his mother's."

"does dad know?" 

"I'm going to tell him when we get home, I just wanted to tell you first," she said with a little smile. 

"aww, cute. thanks. well, that's exciting! do you have any plans yet?" I asked as we turned onto a quiet road with lots of tall green trees.

"we're thinking it'll be in his backyard. just friends and family. simple."

"it's not going to be simple if his family has anything to do with it. especially Alice."

she groaned. "don't remind me."

there was a happy moment of silence between the two of us as we simmered in the daydreams of their wedding. then, she said, "there's something else."

I turned to face her. 

"I didn't tell you about some of the stuff that happened while you're away... well, um, I don't know exactly where to begin. basically, there's this whole... vampire... ruling family, I guess. they sort of uphold the... rules... or laws... of being a vampire, kind of. like, they make sure vampires are protected and they don't run the risk of causing major vampire hunts and things like that. well, anyway, they found out that Edward was dating a human and... we made a deal... so nobody gets in... trouble," she said, stopping to search for words when they evaded her. "after we get married, Edwards... going to, um... change me... into a vampire."

I blinked, looking out the windshield in front of me at the road. 

after some silence, Bella asked, "could you say something? anything?"

over and over [Jacob black x OC] [[complete]] ..twilight..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ