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when i got home, i was 115 lbs. my face was bloated with this surge in body weight and water retention. i immediately went for the laxatives and spent the first two days home trying to sort out the puffiness. i told charlie my stomach was still getting used to eating like a normal person. he didnt know any better.
bella was back with edward. things were kind of normal again.
preoccupied with graduation, college applications and her old boyfriend, she was home often, but she didnt make herself available. edward, for some reason, occasionally visited my room to talk. it was fine. a little weird, but he was charismatic and nice.
then jacob came to visit. i watched from my bedroom window, just as the sun was setting, as he carelessly tossed the bike in the back yard. bella was stomping through the house to run out back and yell at him. edward and i locked eyes in the hallway, feeling awkward about the situation.
"what is with you lately?" bella shouted as she flung the back door open. i followed edward through the living room to the back porch.
"whats with me, bella, is you throwing your whole fucking life away for that-" jacob seethed, stopping himself short. edward stood tall in the door frame, looking down the few steps at the scene in the back yard.
i peered around edwards side, watching as bella shoved jacob uselessly.
he was fucking massive. i dont know how, maybe through steroids or something, he had grown a few inches and put on a lot of muscle. his hair was short and he looked like he was ready for a fight.
he glared at bella with dark eyes, then looked up to make eye contact with me. his expression changed wildly. it was incredibly bizarre.
he looked at me like he had never seen me before. his face softened and his eyebrows lifted in the middle as if he were grateful or astounded. he just stood there, frozen, entranced, being slapped and pushed by bella.
i glanced up at edward, who looked bewildered. eventually, he approached and peeled bella off of jacob and stood back with her, trying to decipher whatever the fuck was happening with jacob and i. bella calmed down, looking furiously, then confused, between the two of us. then furious again.
"what the fuck do you think youre doing?" she hissed at him. "i dont want you around her."
"uhh," i paused, looking at each person. "what? whats going on? jake, youre freaking me out. are you on steroids?"
he was still frozen. edward began laughing, shaking his head. "oh, my god," he groaned. "no fucking way, man..."
bella studied edward, then jacob, frowning.
jacob looked as if he wanted to say something but couldnt.
"what?" i snapped, really getting annoyed. "you guys are freaking me out."
"um, ada," edward finally said, straightening himself out. "why dont you go inside and we'll, ah, we have to talk, i think. we'll be there in a minute."
i stood there, blinking, trying to understand. "fine," i grumbled, turning from the door frame and walking back to my room. i watched from the window as the three talked. the back yard was getting darker. i couldnt hear anything that was said, but tensions were dissipating and they looked sincere. it looked like edward was mediating at first, then edward and bella seemed to be trying to comfort or reassure jacob.
edward glanced up at me a few times throughout the conversation, the only one that knew i was observing.
when they wrapped it up, i sat on my bed and flipped through a book at my bedside table, pretending to read. i heard heavy footsteps. it was edward, alone. he entered my room in a ghostly manner, somehow weightless and graceful in a way i couldnt understand. he looked at me funny.
"so, we've got a long conversation to get through," edward said, taking a seat on the white shaggy rug on the floor.
i raised an eyebrow at him. "whats that supposed to mean?"
"im not sure where to begin..." he pondered, smiling a little. he was very beautiful in the dim light of my room.
"well," he began, "i know youve had your ideas and, you've, uh, asked me before... well, yeah... and jacob told you about the whole treaty... and everything..."
i put my book down and laid in my bed on my stomach, getting ready for what i expected to drag on forever with uncertainty. i faced edward and hid my feet beneath my pillows.
"so... yeah, you asked me before, why my familys so weird... i didnt think i'd ever have to tell you, but... i think your sister and i will be together for... a very long time... so, i just have to come right out and ask you, very sincerely, to take what i'm about to say very seriously. you cannot tell charlie, or your mom, or a therapist or fuckin' anyone," edward said, suddenly dead serious and focused.
"um, yeah, okay," i said quietly, getting a little nervous.
"so, about the story, with the treaty... the whole thing about my family is true," he said slowly. "and jacobs tribe... thats true too."
my brain was a little fried from two years of severe drug abuse. he would have to be a little more descriptive.
"do you remember?" he pressed, trying to jog my memory. "do you remember why we formed the treaty?"
i thought for a moment, tracing the stitching on my blue quilt. "um.. something about hunting, i think..." i said quietly with a shrug. " i dont know, this is so weird..."
he smirked a little. "its very weird. um, its kind of a hunting thing, sure. my family, we're all... vampires..." he said, not looking at me. he actually looked serious. "and jacobs tribe, well... they descended from wolves."
"and im just so lucky to know two cryptids?" i asked and pinched my arm a few times. i felt the pain, so i wasnt dreaming. edward chuckled.
"kind of," he said with a shrug. he went on to describe his family's make up, how old he was, how he became a vampire. he talked about the rivalry between the groups. then he talked a little about werewolves.
"they do this thing, um, its a part of... the transition," he said, circling back to uncertainty after such a smooth and bizarre conversation. "they call it imprinting. its a bond they have with someone they love, more than anyone in the world, and... uh, well... jacob did that.. with you..." edward said, then laughed a little, nervously.
my eyebrows lifted in surprise and confusion. "okay... so... hes in love with me now," i summarized. edward shrugged and nodded.
"yeah, i'd say so," he said.
i blinked my heavy eyelids a few times. i was worn out from all of this crazy shit. i began recounting things that have happened previously and tried to make sense from it all.
"maybe i should leave you alone," edward said, rising effortlessly to his feet. "but, first, think of a number."
i pictured a number 7.
"seven," edward said. "another one."
i studied him suspiciously. i pictured 5,209.
"five thousand, two hundred and nine," he said.
my jaw dropped and he smiled.
"i'm just glad you know now," he grinned. he turned and walked out of my room, leaving the door open just a crack.
i laid there for a bit, just thinking and trying to make sense of it all. i could really use something to numb me out for the night.
i heard more heavy footsteps. i half-expected edward to lecture me against relapse, but it was jacob that stepped into the room.
"hey," he said quietly, looking attentive and a little embarrassed.
"hey lover boy," i said in a soft, quiet voice. he groaned and turned away for a moment.
"i thought it would feel amazing to finally imprint on someone," he confessed, joining me on my bed. he was so warm, settling into the spot at my legs. "but because its you... im terrified."
i looked at him with confusion in my eyes. this was all very confusing, but i didnt understand what he was trying to say.
"i'm scared youre going to die before i ever get the chance to love you."

over and over [Jacob black x OC] [[complete]] ..twilight..Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя