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on Saturday, the 10th, Jacob picked me up at my house. Edward and Bella were sitting on the couch together, watching baz luhrmans Romeo + Juliet for school. I liked to look at Edward. he was a very handsome guy, unlike most people at our school. I had no interest whatsoever in derailing their relationship, or any fantasy about the two of us in any way. I just liked to admire his beauty, silently.

I had already taken a dose out of precaution. sure, Jacob always had some fantastic weed, but I assumed his friends weren't drug addicts.

Edward and Jacob had an interesting nonverbal exchange when he came to the door to get me. I looked at Bella and all she could do was shrug.

"keep an eye on her, Jake, she's a real rabble-rouser," Bella said sarcastically.

he grinned. "that's why we get along so well," he said, jabbing me in the side with his elbow.

we walked to his truck, which was nice and warm, relieving. I settled into the passenger seat as he headed down the road.

"seatbelt," he cautioned, glancing over at me. I was starting to feel cozier beside him, feeling the effects creep throughout my bloodstream. the warm, fuzzy feeling pumped from my heart with every heart beat. I rolled my eyes at him, unmoving. he repeated himself, a little more sternly, then reached over to pull my seatbelt across me.

"got it," I mumbled, buckling the seatbelt. he shot me a look.

"so, sixteen now, huh," he said after a moment of silence. it was so dark on the roads with barely any streetlights. as we drove further from forks, towards la push, the streetlights became fewer and fewer. "how's it feel?"

I shrugged. "I like the number 16," I said quietly, stupidly.

after another moment of silence, "are you okay?"

god, if there is a universal truth and some saint or angel has been tallying all the times someone has asked me this, the number must be well over 5,000. I must be asked this question at least twice a day, sometimes more. what could I answer with?

"mmhm," I hummed.

"are you high or something?" he finally asked as if it had taken him all of this time to figure that one out.

I repeated myself. "mmhmm."

a little more silence flowed between us. it was a pleasant ride for me, maybe not so much for Jacob. he looked like he was holding a puzzle piece in his hand and the unfinished puzzle in front of him had no corresponding edges. a little frustrated and confused.

"do you like forks?" he asked, turning onto a wooded drive. his long hair was almost hiding his face from me. he seemed faceless at times and it was a little unsettling.

"I don't know, it's okay. nobody really talks to me and I like that a lot. I don't know if Bella or my dad told you about phoenix at all," I said slowly, gently. "people knew too much about me. it was really hard."

"no, I never heard anything about it," he said cautiously.

I sighed. "maybe I'll tell you some day, but not on my special day," I said, turned to him, smiling a little. he glanced at me, the road, at me, smiled, the road, at me.

"this is embry," he said, pointing to each person as he introduced them. he had his arm around me in a friendly, protective kind of way. his jacket was heavy and he was so warm on this cold night. I couldn't believe the way everybody stood around, unwavering to the weather. "Seth, sam, Luke, Emily, Sarah, Ethan, Paul, jared, Collin..."

he kept talking as my eyes flicked from face to back to shadow to smile. he pointed all around the beach. some stood close to the water, others sat by a large fire. some were drinking, sitting by a cooler. some smoked from a pipe.

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