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Elizabeth's point of view-
(Current time, two days later)

It's been two days since Leo and Ri moved to their apartment... right down the hall. Today I was thinking I want to do something I haven't really done before, a tattoo. I only have one and I got it a long time ago when my grandma passed away, it says "la vie en rose".

Jace has a shit ton, and they are so cool.

I walk into the bedroom, sitting next to Jace on the bed.

"Hey baby" I say, and he looks up at me.

"Yeah?" He asks, petting lucky head, that lays on his chest.

"Can we get tattoos?" I ask, and he literally gets a big smile on his face.

He's so cute.

"Of course we can angel" He nods his head.

"When?" I ask, curiously. I don't know if you can just walk in or if you need an appointment or something like that, I totally forget.

"Today" He says, my eyes widen a bit.

"Ok" I say, getting up with a smile.


We walk into the tattoo shop, and I'm practically clutching on to Jaces hand. With excitement but nervousness. He told me he would go first so I can watch.

"Hey guys, what can I do for you?" The guy asks at the front.

"Just two tattoos" Jace says and the man nods his head, leading us to the back. He takes us to a room with a chair, and a table with a bunch of different rolls and inks on it.

"So who is going first?" The man asks.

"Me, right angel?" He asks, and I nod, so does the guy.

Jace sits down in the seat, and i sit down in the one that's against the wall to watch.

"So what we're you thinking?" The guy asks, prepping his stuff.

"Hmm, I'm not too sure. Maybe just a little evil eye on my chest?" He says. Jace has some pretty random tattoos, but they are all cool.

After a few minutes, the guy starts working on Jaces upper chest. And it didn't even take that long. Maybe fifteen minutes, but probably since it was a tiny one.

And while he got his done, I thought about what I wanted.

And I know exactly what I want.

Jace gets up off the chair, and switches spots with me.

"So, what for you?" The guy asks.

"I was thinking I could get the name 'Maline' in cursive on my arm" I say and he nods.

As soon as I said "Maline" Jace's eyes shot to mine, because he knows who's name that is.

It's Ma's real name.

The guy preps the stencil and asked me if I like the placement, and I replied with a nod.

After a few minutes he immediately got to work, and to be honest, it does not hurt as bad as I remember.


"Ok, all done" He says, pulling the tattoo gun away from my arm.

I look down and I see the beautiful cursive writing that spells "Maline", and I can almost feel my cheeks rising by themselves.

"Thank you" I say, getting up from the chair, and the guy nods.

After he wraps our tattoos and tells us the cleaning steps, we head to the front and pay for the tattoos.

We walk out of the shop, hand in hand, and I know damn well I'm still smiling.

"Do you like it angel?" He asks, his thumb grazing over my hand.

"Of course" I say, and we head towards the car, getting in.


It's been a few hours since we got our tattoos and now we are are at Leo and Ri's apartment, showing them what we got done.

"Wow, I love it" Ri says, as I show her mine.

"Thank you" I smile, and she gives me a quick hug.

I know that Ri misses Ma too, Ma was like her other mom. Ri and her mom have a pretty rocky relationship, and when her mom couldn't be there for her she would always come over, we would spend hours together baking in the kitchen, having fun.

Ri pulls away from the hug, and we look over at the boys. Jace is showing his to Leo.

"Damn, your making me want another" Leo laughs. Leo only has a few tattoos.

"So wanna all eat dinner together?" Ri suggests, and we all agree.


After we finished the pasta dinner that me and Ri made together, me and Jace decided that it was about time to head back to our apartment.

After saying our goodbyes, we walk back to our apartment.

I decided to get a shower, So I head to the bathroom and start the water, then undress.

I get I got he shower once the water is warm, letting it wet my hair and body.

It doesn't take long until I hear the bathroom door open.

"Do you mind if I hop in?" Jace asks, and I let out a little laugh.

"Yeah. You can" I say, and I can hear his clothes dropping on the floor. The curtain opens and he gets in, then shuts it behind him.

I grab the shampoo bottle and open it, but Jace quickly grabs it from me and pours some into his hand.

"Let me, angel" He says, and I can feel him rub the shampoo into my hair softly, my shoulders immediately relax.

After he finishes rubbing in the shampoo, trying his hardest not to get any in my eyes, I let the water run over my head.

After letting it wash out, he puts conditioner into my hair.


After the shower, we go to the bedroom and put on a movie.

My head lays on Jaces chest, and I'm fighting off trying not to fall asleep.

"You can sleep, angel" I hear jace say calmly, and his fingers move the hair out of my face.

"Goodnight" He says.

"Goodnight" I reply, allowing myself to slip into a deep sleep.

his elizabeth Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang