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Jace's point of view-
(current time)

"Jace, you have to wake up. you're late" I can hear my mom saying, shaking my arm.

"hmm?" i groan, rolling over and squinting my eyes at her.

"you are late for school, get ready then go. i have to go to work now hun" She said then patted my shoulder, walking out of my room.

I sigh and stretch, then get up from my bed.

I throw on a random outfit (black pants, band shirt, converse), then go downstairs, grabbing my keys and leaving the house.


After blasting music and speeding to school, i finally pulled in almost 2 hours late. I grab my bag and get out of my car, running up to the doors.

I ring the buzzer, and i can hear the doors click. I walk inside, and hurry up to the second floor.

I quickly grab my stuff from my locker, then run to third period.


Once the bell rang to leave sixth period, i quickly got up and walked to the cafeteria. I grab an apple, then walk over to my usual spot. next to Leo.

Of course Riley is sitting at the same table, which means that Elizabeth also is. Fucking hell. I can literally not escape her.

I walk over and sit down, and they all great me. Surprisingly Elizabeth seems normal and not uncomfortable, but i am fucking uncomfortable and embarrassed as shit. I should have known she wasn't going to want to kiss me.

"you ok?" i hear Elizabeth ask, i look up and nod my head.

"Yeah" i shrug and bite into my apple, listening to their conversation and occasionally joining in.


By the time the lunch period finished, me and Elizabeth were talking completely normal again. which is a good thing i suppose.

I walk into eighth period, and i immediately notice that the dumb teacher is making assigned seats. i fucking hate assigned seats, why can't we choose?

"Elizabeth and Jace" She says and points to a table in the back corner, since when was Elizabeth in my literature class? I shrug and walk back to the table. i sit down in one seat, and Elizabeth sits in the other.


Well, the whole day went good, besides the fact that there is a project. and it requires out of school work. fucking annoying, i cant stand the literature teacher. at least my partner is Elizabeth.

Once the dismissal bells rings, i walk outside the school and to my car. I throw my book bag into the backseat and i can feel a little tap on my shoulder. I turn around, and Elizabeth is standing there looking up at me.

"so, i was thinking we can start the project today. if you wanted. but who's house are we doing it at?" she rambles, making me chuckle a little. She is pretty cute, and she acts like she doesn't even know it.

"what?" she asks, furrowing her brows.

"Nothing, nothing" i smile.

"We can do it at my place if you want" I say with a shrug and she agrees, then walks away.

I get into my car, then drive back home.

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