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Elizabeth's point of view-
(Current time)

Right now I'm in the subway to take a train to a bakery. I wanted to pick up some cookies and stuff for all of us. Jace offered me his car, but I didn't feel like dealing with the traffic. 

I sit down on one of the seats, minding my business and going on my phone to scroll through Instagram.

People started quickly getting on and sitting, and I couldn't help but notice the creepy older guy that sits right next to me. 

I shrug it off and continue scrolling, feeling the train start to move.

After about five minutes, I can feel the guy get even closer to me. And I can feel a hand touch my thigh. I look up the guy and he is staring at me.

"Sorry, but please don't." I say with a little smile. Trying to be nice incase it was an accident.

I continue to to mess around on my phone, and that's when I can feel a grip on my ass. I quickly shoot up from my seat, panic rising in my stomach.

He tosses me a smirk, and I go to get another seat, but they are all full. So I just stand and hold on to the bar. Thankfully my stop is next.

After about five minutes, we come to a stop and the doors open and I quickly walk out.

I head up the stairs and up into the city, mostly just a calmer road though.

I spot the bakery sign and head over.

The door opens with the ring of a bell, and the smell of sweets immediately fills my nose, calming me.

"Good afternoon" A old lady says from behind the counter, and I toss her a small smile.

I look at the displays for a while and end up picking out an arrangement of cookies.

"Ok hun, your total is gonna be $12.99." She says, and I grab a twenty dollar bill, handing it to her.

"Keep the change" I smile, and she nods.

"Thank you so much, come again" She smiles, handing me the box of cookies, which I grab and head out of the bakery.

I wonder what a nice old lady is doing in this area, it's not the safest. I walk down the sidewalk, and without even realizing I bump into someone.

"Oh my- I'm sorry-" I start apologizing until I look up at the face and realize that it's the same man from the subway.

"No worries, sweetheart." He says, I quickly back away and turn around, pushing through the crowd of people so I can find a corner .

Once I get to a corner, hiding behind a wall, I pull out my phone and immediately call Jace.

"Hello?" He says through the phone.

"Jace, can you come get me? Please?" I desperately ask into the phone, feeling my stomach bubble with anxiety.

"Yeah, I can. What's wrong angel?" He asks, but I don't really have time to explain that right now.

"I will tell you in a bit, be quick please" I say, then hang up.

About five minutes later, his car pulls up and I scramble in.

"Phew" I breathe out, setting the cookie box on my lap.

"What happened?" He asks, pulling into the lane.

"So basically I was on the subway, and this creepy old guy sat next to me and he touched my thigh, so I asked him to stop nicely. Then he groped me, and I hurried out of the subway. And after I got cookies, I saw him again" I explain in a panic.

"Angel, why didn't you call me sooner?" He says, his eyes flashing a look of pity.

"It's ok, I'm fine. I was just scared." I say, reassuring him.

"Your lucky I care about you right now, because if it were not for you being in this car I would be looking for that asshole." He says, and drives Down the road that leads to our apartment building.

"I know, I'm sorry." I say.

"You don't have to apologize, just let me go with you next time. Let's just go inside." He says, as we park.

We head into the building and up the elevator, until we get back to our apartment. Jace unlocks the door and we walk inside, lucky quickly running over.

"I got the goods" I say, waving the box to Leo and Ri, who are sitting on the couch.

"Hell yeah" Leo says, and the both get up, following me to the kitchen.

I sit the box down and open it, allowing everyone to get their cookies, tossing lucky the mini dog cookie I had gotten for him, which he quickly devours.

"I say we get Chinese takeout again" Leo suggests, making us all groan.

But, of course, we ended up feasting upon some shitty Chinese takeout.

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