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Elizabeth's point of view-
(one week later, current time)

Well, it has been a week since me and Jace had a full make out garage. And thankfully we turned in that assignment and got an 100%. Over the past week, we have hung out a few times with Ri and Leo. They both know that we are "talking".

Right now, we are all hanging out in my (finished) basement. Me and Jace are on one couch, and Ri & Leo are on the other. We are watching some random ass movie, and eating popcorn.

"You all good down here? i brought some cookies" i can hear ma's voice coming down the stairs, Ri immediately scoots off of Leo's lap as my ma walks into the living area.

"Don't be shy, i know you love my cookies Ri" Ma laughs and sets the cookie tray on the coffee table.

"Thanks ma" i say, and watch as she leaves and goes back up the steps. Ri takes a cookie then scoots back onto Leo's lap. Jace takes my legs and lays them over his lap, then grabs a cookie.

"Wow" Jace says when he bites into the cookie, making me and Ri laugh a bit.

"Trust me i know, she has made them for me ever since i used to come here when we were in fifth grade" Ri says, grabbing another.

"Am i missing out?" Leo asks.

"Fuck yes"

He laughs at Ri and Jace's responses, then grabs a cookie for himself. I turn my head back to the TV and keep watching the dumb movie that Leo insisted we had to watch.


"wake up"
"wake up"
"oh my lord, wake up!" Riley's voice says, and i can feel her tapping on my shoulder. I rub my eyes, then open them. Realizing that it's now just me and Ri.

"It's like 3:00 a.m, you fell asleep." she says.

"where did the boys go" i ask, and sit up on the couch.

"They had to go, but guess what" Ri's eyebrows lift and she smiles.


"When you were sleeping and they were getting ready to go, jace kissed your forehead" She says with a smile and little laugh.

"shut up" i laugh and roll my eyes, even though i can feel my cheeks heat up. thank god the lights are out, or else she would make so much fun of me.

"Are we just gonna sleep down here, or do you wanna go to my room?" i ask, and sit there for a minute waiting for her to respond.

"We can just stay down here, i'm already comfy" she shrugs, and wraps herself in the blankets.

I put something random on the tv, just to have it on, then go on my phone and scroll through TikTok.


The next morning Ri ended up leaving around 12, and  i have just been laying around for most of the day.

But right now i'm helping Ma make some macaroons.

"Ok hun, now just pipe it onto the little circles" she instructs and shows me the circle outlines.

I start to pipe the mixture on the little circles, trying not to put too much. These things are easy to mess up.


"Ok now we are gonna switch flavors" Ma says and takes the piping bag from me, grabbing a different one.


"ok, here" She hands the chocolate flavor bag to me, and i start to pipe this flavor onto the little circles.


"Jesus hun, who is blowing you up?" she sighs, and picks up my phone, reading the notifications.

"ooo" she smiles, and looks up at me.

"what now" i sigh, and glance over at her, then continue to pipe the chocolate mix out.

"Looks like Jace wants to take you on a little date" She smiles, and sets my phone back down on the counter.

"Are you gonna go?" she asks, a smile plastered onto her face.

"mhm" i say, trying to concentrate on filling the circles.

"Well let me take this from you hun, you just worry about getting ready. He said he is getting you at five, so you have two hours" She says, and grabs the piping bag from me.

I quickly grab my phone, then run up the stairs and into my room. I swipe open the message and read it then start typing.

Jace: Do you wanna get dinner around 5? i can pick you up.

Me: Yeah sounds good :)

I hit send them roll my eyes at the dumb smiley face i put. I always gotta make shit weird. I sigh then turn off my phone and start getting ready.

his elizabeth Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora