III. The overseer

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Beau's Regards A relic to remember Poetry by seomins

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Beau's Regards
A relic to remember

Poetry by seomins

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The overseer

The lovers' classic of the red-dressed woman and the grey-coated man begins with every caffeinated dose of destiny's transcendence onto star-crossed pairs.

Grey, with his equally dull Volkswagen parked outside the single eco-friendly café in the city, taps his fingers on the counter like it's a fast forward button for his one order that never, ever changed: a bitter, warm brew black as his heart.

Or his eyes. Both of them contained enough soul in need of soothing, anyway.

Red would side-eye him, if lucky. Had Grey not been in such a rush, she might've gotten a whole wink on him, but that, too, seemed unlikely. To hell with how they were the only 2 people in the café. It just wasn't gonna happen. Ever. Her eyes were, instead, entranced in the romance of a Mills & Boon novel she probably read before, unaware that she could star in the same story with him.

But she isn't exactly born to live that life, now, is she?

Perhaps, neither is he.

Seconds after Grey would return to his car, Red witnesses him chug down his morning cup a' joe in one go, eliciting a hiccup thanks to its sweetness. Sugar, he would mutter disdainfully. He doesn't remember ordering sugar. He'd shake the mistake off, crush the cup in his hands, and floor it—and it was only at his state of the art sliding-door office that he'd recall the name Red written in delicate script on his now crumpled coffee cup.

Back at her lonesome castle, Red is still hung over her coffee prince. She thinks about this story that only he and she have known (she doesn't need him to voice it out, for she has seen it in the way his eyes are next to nothing the moment they've shared the same seconds in that same avenue of fate). What she'd give to have those events woven into their timeline and theirs alone, and not hear the exact same words in weddings, first dates, and anniversaries.

She struggles to picture all the leagues of Grey's she would stay out of, starting with the coffee that renders her lips bone-dry, her tongue scorched. It was bitter, and took the form of a bottomless void in a biodegradable cup. Pitch black, she cries into the air. She doesn't remember ordering pitch black. She'd then turn the cup around and see Grey hastily written on it in all caps, a corporate print that fits perfectly on his glass plaque. Firm, but fragile.

With a smile that tugs on her heartstrings, Red would blush at how the younger her would've taken the cup home for her to treasure.

Moments of the same destined frequencies would continue for our couple.

Grey once left the elevator door open to make a run for his house keys.

Red used it as a free ride down from her humble abode.

She would later get on the same train car as he, a measly couple of feet keeping them nowhere near a whisper away from one another.

Translucent museum spotlights would splatter Monet on her skin, and Van Gogh on his.

Red would open her umbrella to a sunshower. Grey would draw his shut.

Someday, these stories would stop, saving grace for other spools of red string.

Red and Grey would share their vows in Jeju and start a new life together, soon with 2 kids—fraternal twins, a pet cat, and a booming brewing business.

That would probably be their magical Mills & Boon denouement.

But what would I know? I'm just a third eye.

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By Andrea GP.

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