"Hey Jude it's time you pay up," he said raising a gun from his belt but he caught me staring at him and I backed away a little all the emotions rushing back in.

"You said you give us one more month!"

"I did but something came up and boss wants it now!"

"I don't have it right now," the man with the glasses says.

I run at the man with the glasses pushing him down as the gun fire came at him.

Real bullets...I knew this would all be real.

"Get inside!" I shout at the man and Zane. They didn't need telling twice us rushing inside missing the second fire bullets at us.

"Wow...you are quick in reacting...son," the man says adding the son on almost forgetting his role here.

I don't blame him...I just saved his life.

I can hear my own heart pumping in my ears still in shock.

"You going to tell me why you just froze there?" Zane asks me.

I shake my head. "It's nothing."

"Arr..Max you can trust me," Zane says to try reassure me.

"I can't as...it put someone at risk."

Zane nods getting what I meant and didn't push on it anymore.

"What we going to do. Dad's not back for another hour and we are basically sitting ducks," Zane says trying to get back on track.

Yet I barely heard him as the door to the house explodes open pushing all three of us backwards across the ground.

My ears felt slightly blocked from the explosion of the door so I didn't notice how close he got to me.

His foot stepping harshly onto my arm making me scream out in pain but he shoves his hand over my mouth.

"Shut up!" He said winking at me. I try to bite his hand but he knew better slamming me against the ground as he points the gun towards the man with glasses again.

I try fight him to stop him killing him but he steps harder on my arm the horrible deafening crack of my arm even I could hear from my messed up hearing.

I hear the gun go off. Zane screaming and the blood now on the ground.

His attention falls back on me. "Sorry kid...it had to be done. Now his debt is paid."

I look at him tears falling down my face..."Uncle," I say in a whisper.

"Nephew...truely I am sorry."

I shake my head. "This can't be possible."

"He saved my life and I owe him a true debt. This is what he wants," he whispers into my ear now.

"But," I begin.

"Play along Arrow or he will kill them. All three of them," he finishes whispering into my ear and standing up.

"Uncle?" Zane says confused looking in a right state he had been crying too.

"Hey sport. Last time I saw you, you was just a baby."

Zane looks over at me confused. He wouldn't understand or less I could tell him.

Tell him this man is my real uncle and some how is alive...how is he alive?

None of this makes any sense.

I saw him dead on the floor...

My dad said to me he is dead...

So how is he here now? Shooting someone dead and breaking my arm?

I let the tears slip down my face some more unable to make sense of any of this.

"Why would you kill your own brother?" Zane asks the question I would usually ask but I had been in too much shock.

"Because he never once helped me. I never saw him as my brother after that day I asked for help!" He shouts at Zane.

"So you kill him?" I managed a whisper.

My uncles eyes fall back onto me. I held my arm awkwardly, the pain making me feel sick.

Only a good few hours ago I had been at my surprise birthday party but now I'm laying on the ground. My head fuzzy, my arm clearly broken. Still full of shock looking at my uncle somehow alive and my hangover getting the better of me.

This really couldn't get any worse....

Zane screams out making me shift my view to him ignoring the pain.

Zane's face pale, his eyes gaze to me and the sadness behind his eyes.

Zane collapsed to the floor as my uncle grabs me by the top putting his face close to mine.

"You will soon see the world is never going to be the place you think it should be," he says to me.

"What did you do?" I ask scared of his anwser.

"He isn't dead...yet. Look Max I have been given my orders!"

"And what is that?" I ask.

"Bring you both back alive."

"Why?" Zane managers to ask even though he is clearly in some sort of pain.

"You will be the ones to pay for your dad's debt!"

"Go screw yourself! Our dad I'm sure was a great man...don't you think you have done enough!" I shout at him.

"This is just the beginning Max. You best get use to this," he said staring at me.

"But," I begin.

"Enough. You won't win here. You know that right?"

I stare at him. I've never truely won anything in my life. My life has been constant struggle and some days I  barely made it out alive. The fact that after everything...I'm once again faced against my uncle...

I can't even find the strength to fight here...but I have too!

I've made it this far in my life and this will be no different. I'll stop this...somehow and I'll do my best to protect Zane with everything I've got.

Embrace Two (Spin of from Acceptance Trilogy And Second Story To Embrace) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें