Chapter 6 ❀ "Peppermint"

Start from the beginning

"To-da-mi" she spoke in sections.

She glanced up at him with a smile, her plump lips almost separating to show a hint of her teeth.

"Apparently the girls ship us. Tsu even said we have a - and I quote -" she stopped to make air quotes with her fingers. " 'enemies to lovers thing going on, ribbit' "

Todoroki cringed at the crude impression of their classmate, but he was cringing even harder over the fact that people actually thought they would be good together.
The thought of even being friends with someone like her made him nauseous.

Amami turned her hand around to show him their 'ship name' that was written on her palm in sharpie. The fact that she had a write it down spoke a lot about her memory. It was a three syllable six letter word.

"I asked Deku about it but he just got all flustered, not sure why" she shrugged her shoulders.

Todoroki's head unintentionally snapped towards her and she pushed her palm closer to his eyes in response.
"That's what you two were talking about?" He scoffed and slapped away her hand, making her let out a sharp squeal.

The boy almost covered his mouth once he spoke. She seemed to catch on once her eyes slightly widened.

Great, now I sound like some sort of stalker. Just, great.

Shoto shook his head and started to walk past her, bumping against her shoulder. He didn't even know why he let her stop him in the first place. He should have just ignored her and kept going.
After a few seconds he couldn't sense her behind him, nor could he hear her footsteps. While keeping his pace he glanced over his shoulder to see her still standing in the same spot he left her in.
She looked to be deep in thought, not that he cared.

Todoroki kept walking and only stopped when he heard her voice say-

"Hey, Candycane. Can I ask you something?"

"You're going ask me regardless of what I say." He sighed

He stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. Something that he knew he would probably regret in a few minutes. They were a few meters away but close enough to still hear each other.
Chihiro nodded at his statement. She sniffled and bundled her hands in her skirt. It wasn't in anger though, atleast Shoto didn't think it was.

"What is your problem with me? What's so wrong with me?" She whimpered, showing her glossy brown eyes.

There was that feeling again. The pinching in his chest...


He took a step forward. All of his thoughts surrounding her were about to spew out of his mouth.

You can't take no for an answer. You believe everyone wants to be your friend. You try too hard. You've had everything handed to you. You're annoying, bratty, and manipulative.
You won't leave me alone no matter how many times I tell you to.

-but Shoto was at a loss for words when he looked into her eyes.
really looked.
Tears welled up on her bottom lash lines. The tears made their color shine and radiate from the sun rays that batted down upon her. A single pearl shaped tear drop fell from her eye and slide down one of her flustered cheeks.

"'re.." he stammered. What was he going to say again?

She nodded her head. Asking-wanting-him to continue.

The way they were standing, staring at each other. The way her hands were bawled at her sides and her eyebrows furrowed as she awaited an answer. The feeling of hatred mixed with guilt that circled through Shoto's vains...

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