Chapter Seven: Close Proximity

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Foxy blinked rapidly, whipping around to stare at his tail until it ceased it's wagging before turning back to you.

"Never do that to me again," Foxy's sentence came out in a huffed out "breath". "I don't know what happened, but it was weird, and I hated it."

You smirked at Foxy's bewilderment and shrugged. "I can't control what you feel when I do things," You pointed out with a small giggle. "That's a you problem."

Foxy rolled his eyes. "Well maybe if you didn't do that, I wouldn't feel that way," He grumbled, tail swishing slow and low.

You grinned. Oh, Foxy was gonna hate what you were about to say. "Well, I sorta need to get close again," You told him, trying to hold in a cackle when his eyes widened. "I need to fix your snout, dude."

"What?!" Foxy cried, shuffling away from you slightly. "There's no way I'm gonna let you!"


You let out smalls cackles as Foxy begrudgingly sat himself on the conveyer belt.

"Why am I letting you do this?" He sighed as you turned around, cranky thing and small bits of metal in your hand.

"Because you love me?" You teased, leaning close to Foxy as he shifted his snout faceplates for you, rolling his eyes. "Plus, I offered you another game of one-on-one Spotlight."

"On the odd occasion, maybe," He hummed as you took off the top left one and slid the new piece of metal in place. You held back a small chuckle when you heard Foxy's tail thump softly against the conveyer belt as it wagged.

(I'm fully aware Foxy isn't a dog but I thought it'd be a cute little detail)

"Hey, Y/N?"


"When you were talking with Michael earlier, you said I was your favourite. Is that true, or were you just saying that so you could share a common interest with him, even if you were lying?"

You stopped halfway through replacing the top right plate and looked Foxy in his eyes to see they had dimmed from their usual bright yellow to halfway between yellow and brown. His tail had stopped wagging too while he waited patiently for an answer.

You had never seen Foxy this... insecure? Emotionally vulnerable? "Okay, first you were jealous when I spoke to Michael, you went all weird when I touched your snout, and now this!" You exclaimed as you listed the things. You heard a small shuffle, and flicked your gaze downward for a second to see that Foxy had crossed his arms. "What's gotten into you today?"

"N-nothing!" Foxy snapped, pulling in his new snout pieces and causing you to nearly cut your fingers on the sharp ends. "I'm completely fine, alright? Just-- just answer the question!"

You turned around, grabbing the bright pink paint tin, black paint tin and small paint brush, turning back to Foxy and placing down the can to your right before opening it.

"I mean, yeah, you're my favourite," You replied, dipping the paintbrush into the pink paint before stroking it against Foxy's top left snout. "I like all the Funtimes, don't get me wrong, but you didn't have to let me sleep in your Auditorium, and I think that maybe your frozen, dark heart might be warming up to me!" You teased, using the back of your paint brush to poke Foxy's chest before dipping it in the pink paint again for a second layer.

You couldn't help but smile when you looked up to see Foxy's eyes were so bright they might as well be two suns, and his tail thumping so loudly against the conveyer belt it sounded like an old washing machine.

As you were applying the second layer of pink to the top right plate, Foxy spoke again.

"Y/N, I need you to promise me something."

"I don't do promises, Foxy-Fox. I can never seem to keep them."

"No, I'm serious. If I ever tell you to get out of this place, you need to listen to me," Foxy's voice dropped below a whisper, his eyes darting to the camera in the corner of the room and back to you. "Okay?"

Your paintbrush hovered as you turned your attention to Foxy. "Did you not hear me? I don't do promises. Even if I did do them, why would I promise you anything other than a game of knots and crosses?"

Foxy rolled his eyes. "Well, I am your favourite, right?"

You chuckled, flicking Foxy's forehead. "Don't let it go to your head. Just because you're my favourite doesn't mean I'd stop time for you."

Hey, I forgot to mention this last chapter, BUT TYSM FOR OVER 2K READSSS!! I never thought this story would make it that far, thank you all for sticking around :)) also, if I finish the angst chapter in my drafts then I might publish tomorrow as well, since I'm bored and have chapters to post. What do you guys think?

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